Chapter Twenty-Four

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These past few days have been absolutely sinful. I'm still struggling morally with it, but quite frankly, I don't have the time to even think about it around Julian.
Now, I see him, and all I want to do is jump his bones. What on God's green Earth did that man do to me? I can't focus.

"Miss Locke..."

All I can think about is him. His smile, his scent, his hair.

"Miss Locke."

I, especially, can't stop thinking about-

"Miss Locke!"

"Oh! Yes, Mr. Williams?"

"Your essay. I'm handing it to you. Please take it."

"Thank you, Sir."

"You have quite the glow on you. That looks very familiar... Anyway, I assume you'll be here tonight for the parent-teacher conference, yes?"

"Yes, but it'll just be my father coming."

"Perfect... you're dismissed by the way."

What? Oh, God. I'm the only one left in the class!! How embarrassing! I probably look crazy shoving these papers into my bag right now.
"Right. Thank you.. I'll, uh, see you tonight!"


"Caroline? Sweetheart? You look nervous. What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, Momma, really. I'm just nervous about Daddy seeing Mr. Williams again, after his little home visit..."

"Yeah... I'm a little nervous, too, honestly. Not that he would let me intervene if he was caught in a fist fight."
Her laugh sounded light, but I knew she felt almost the same as I did. I feel like we've gotten a lot closer to each other, ever since she caught me with those videos. I'm so glad she's not persecuting me over it. I think she might've been the same way, when she was my age.
"Your bow is crooked, darlin'. Here, let me fix it."

"Thank you, Momma. I have to look somewhat put together, if two power-hungry men are going to be in a room together, right?"

"As if they'll even notice! They've got their heads too far up their-"

"Julia! Send Caroline out to the car, please! If you two yap on any longer, we'll be here 'till the trumpets sound!"

Momma and I shared a mutual glance and a small giggle. This new bond feels so nice.
We hugged, and she sent me off. Here goes nothing.

Who could Daddy be talking to out there?

"Caroline! Come say hi to Father Julian! I figured he could come with, just in case that Mr. Williams decides to say anything about church distracting you from your studies again."

"Oh! Hi J-... Father Julian. Thank you for taking time out of your evening for this."
I can feel my face burning up behind my smile. I didn't expect him to be here, and I definitely didn't expect him to be a suit. At least I don't have to spend the whole evening thinking about how much I miss him.

"It's no trouble at all, Miss Caroline."
If God allowed it to, that smile he flashed would melt me.

"So, Julian, did you want to sit up front with the driver, or shall I?"

"I'll sit in the back with Caroline, if that's alright with you, E."

"Sure thing!"

This car ride is so silent. I could hold the tension between us in a fist. Daddy is clueless, though, thank God. All I want to do is hold Julian's hand... or something. I just want to be closer to him. He's sitting next to me, and it's not enough. I don't think Daddy would see if I did hold his hand, but I'm not sure. They're right there. Maybe, I just have to hype myself up.

I think he was thinking the same thing I was, because I saw his hand move. He placed it on my thigh, and my breath hitched. Ugh, I'm blushing again.

"What is it, Caroline? Did you forget something at home?" Daddy's head started turning.

"No! I, uh, no. There was a... a bunny! There was a bunny on the grass over there." If there was an award for most awkward liar, I'd be the gold medalist, ugh.
His thumb began to move. I don't know if he means to calm me down or seduce me, but yes it's working. His hand is two inches from mine. If I just really slowly place it on top of his, I should be fine.
Aaand he grabbed my hand first. Of course he got the message, somehow. God bless him.
Maybe, if I just focus on this moment, we'll get to school faster... I hope.

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