Chapter Eight

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I've known the inside of The Georgia Covenant Academy for a day, and it feels like I'm home! Last night was the most pleasant dinner I've had in such a long time! My beautiful family!
All my Sisters are the sweetest lil' dumplin's!

It's time to go to Father Julian's room for my check in with my parents, though. I'm a little worried. I hope they're happy with me.


"Not right now. Oh! Hey, Caroline. Yes you can come in."

"Father, you have glasses?"

Those glasses made him look even more handsome. The way they match his face is just perfect. Good thing he's not wearing his regular, everyday clothes.

"Yes, doll, only for reading."

"What were you reading? If you don't mind my askin'?"

"The Bible. I'm looking for guidance."

He has another book on top of that, though? A magazine? Maybe he needs to check out the safe, holy ones for us to read.

"Anything I can do to help, Father?

"No, darling, thank you."

"Father, before I call my parents, I was wondering... if we could have a chat? Just plain ol' Caroline-Father Julian time?"

"Of course! What's on your mind, dear?"

"Well, I was wanting to talk to you about that confession. Off the record?"

Gosh I feel so sinful even asking that of him. What have I become?

"Interesting.... yes, I'll allow it."

"I was wondering if you could help me understand some of those feelings I told you about? How I get all hot and my brain shuts down? What is that?"

Oh, I'm so embarrassed! Father Julian will understand though, I hope.

"Well, Caroline, it depends on what's causing these feelings. Do you know?"

What's causing them? I don't know? all I know is I can't look him in the eye anymore. I can't, I can't. I'll just look down? Up? Anywhere but him? I starting to feel warm right now! Get out you Devil!


He pulled my chin up to face him. Of course! I forgot that he always loves eyes contact. He can probably feel this devilish heat from my face.

"I.. um.. I don't know?"

"When do you feel this way, darling? Any specific times?"

"Hmm. I guess when I'm A man?"

He laughed, but... it didn't sound warm? Is he upset?!  "Any man, Caroline? Or is there any one in particular. This part is important on whether it qualifies for a sin. Please, be honest, so we know for the next confession what to do with you."

A.. a...SIN?! OH.. OH NO!!

"Oh, heavens above save me!"
I couldn't say those words without choking on all of them. I can't believe it!
"One man, Father, just.. just the one."
I can't hold it back any longer I have to cry, I can't breathe! I'm gonna explode!

"Oh, sweet angel, please don't start crying. Oh no. Come here, please."

Before I could react, his comforting presence graced me once more. His chest, his arms, his heart beat, his scent.
I can breathe. I can breathe.

"One man is okay, Caroline. It's okay."

"These feelings are okay? How? I thought anyone wh-who distracted me from the light of God is a sin?"

"No.. no, I don't personally believe that's all that wrong. Tell me one thing though, angel, off the record still?"

"Yes, Father, anything!"

"Who is he?"

Caroline and the PastorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora