Chapter Three

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Sitting at the dinner table with Father Julian and my parents always makes me nervous. I always try to do everything right to make sure they're pleased. Father has become quite good friends with my parents. So, he knows everything about me, even when my parents are upset with me. Which is often. I hope everything goes well.

"So, Julian, how has our daughter been behaving? You see her more than we do. I think it necessary to make sure she's not causing you any trouble."

"Ah, Elliot, your daughter is quite the ray of sunshine."

"Wonderful. Otherwise, Julia and I might have to have a stern talking with her."

They laughed, but I plan on keeping a steady eye on my plate. It's not polite to join adult talk.

"You know, for my birthday, I'm heading up to the Georgia Covenant Academy. They always bake me a cake, and then I take a retreat at my cabin. I was wondering if Caroline would come with? To get acquainted with everyone? I think she'd be a wonderful addition to our family, and it would be a great birthday present for us both."

Oh. Oh oh oh!! THERE IT IS!

"Julian that's a great!! We've been wondering when you'd ask!"

"So that's a yes, then?"

"Of course! Great 31st for you and 18th for her!Today is what? Wednesday? I assume you'll be leaving Friday? She'll be packed, ready to go, and on your doorstep by 4pm! Right, Caroline?"

"Yes, sir! Thank you!"

"Actually, E, there was one more thing I was hoping to chat with y'all about."

"Go on.."

Oh no! It was because I was late again today, I bet. Father, please no! God, help! I'm turning red already, so they'll know for sure I'm guilty!

"Our little Caroline here has been late frequently this passed month. I'm not bothered by it because I realize it's the start of the school year. Balancing school and your passions can be hard, and-"

"Damn it, Caroline!"

His fists on the table made me jump, as usual. I really have to get that under control. I hate when he yells at me.

"Elliot, dear, we really shouldn't be cussin' like that. Especially, not in the church."

"Why, were you late today? Do you care about anything? Do you care about God? God doesn't forgive negligence! Are you trying to go to hell? After everything we teach you, the one vital rule is to?"

"Not be late... I'm sorry daddy."

"Oh, so you do remember it. Now... why. were. you. late?"

"Elliot, please don't cause a scene."

"It's okay, Momma. He's right. I was late. I was late because Mr. Williams keeps me after class to talk with me. I keep telling him I have to go, but-"

"Not an excuse. That's all that comes out of your mouth are excuses. Why don't you just leave instead of engaging with him every day? Doesn't he realize you have more important things to do!?"

"Maybe, Elliot, we should have a chat with Mr. Williams? Very nice and civil?"

"Yes, Julia, that's exactly what I planned on."

"May I...please be excused?"

I hate being yelled at. I can't stand it without crying. If one of them doesn't excuse me, I'll burst. I can't cry at the dinner table.

"What was that, sweetie?"

"May I please be excused?"

"Yes, sweetheart, why don't you go freshen up. Wash your hands again and come back, please?"

"Thank you, Momma."

I walked out of there as fast as I could. The tears were threatening to spill before I could even reach the doors.

"Maybe I should go check on her? Why don't you and Julia talk about your discussion with Mr. Williams?"

"Good idea, thank you, Julian."

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