Chapter Seventeen

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This week has been so long. There are way too many projects, quizzes, and study guides. I hate finals week. I can't wait to go to church, when this class is over. I could really use a good, old fashioned, hug from Father.

"Miss Locke."

The weather is so nice out, but it smells like there's gonna be a rotten storm comin' soon.
I love the rain, and I love that weird part of summer. The part where it's turnin' into fall. It's so beautiful.


"Huh..? Yes, Sir?!"

"Can you answer the question?"

"Uh.. I'm terribly sorry, sir. I seem to have been lost in thought. Could you repeat it?"

"Oooh! Five days in a row now that little Miss Perfect fucked up! You owe me ten bucks, dude!"

"Percival! Language! Ahem, Miss Locke, I asked you who wrote Pride and Prejudice."

"Jane Austen, Mr. Williams...sir."

"Thank you, and that is who you'll all be doing your next presentations on. Jane Austen and how she was vital to modern literature."

Oh thank the Lord! I've been itchin' to leave this moment since Monday morning! I don't think I've ever been more excited for a Friday. Now, I get to spend the whole weekend with my favorite person... and get important work done of course.

"Miss Locke, come here please."

Ugh, again? "Yes, Sir?"

"I couldn't help but notice how...distracted you've been. Every day this week you've been absentminded in my class. Every day this week you've apologized and told me it wouldn't happen again. Yet, here we are. Tell me... what's on your mind, sweetheart? Something in particular?"

More like someone. No! Why am I blushing?
He put his hand on my shoulder and stroked it with his thumb.

"No, Sir. Well... yes, but it's nothing that's worth causin' a fuss about."

"Ah, was it that little church trip you took? Did anything happen? Anything... close to home that I should know about? You have a certain glow about you and seem very lost in thought."

"N-no, Sir. Please, I would like to get going."

"Alright, well, if you won't tell me, I'll have to make a phone call to your parents to let them know how much you've been misbehaving."

"W-what? No, please! I promise you, I've got this under control!"

He wouldn't dare! There's absolutely no reason to do that! There is no way I'm telling him what happened! Oh, goodness. Daddy will be so mad!

"Alright, I'll see. I'm only considering not doing it because you do a wonderful job at begging."

"Th-thank you? Goodbye, Mr. Williams."


"Caroline, where have you been?"

My good Lord in Heaven! I've never felt more relieved than right now. I really need a hug.

"Father! I'm so happy to see you! I- are we alone?" I don't know if we are or not, so I made sure to whisper that last part.

"Yes. The Sisters are hosting a soup kitchen down in-"

As soon as he said yes, I ran as fast as I could towards him. I've been waiting for too long for this.

"Wow, hey. What's going on? Is everything okay or did you just miss me?" He laughed. I guess that was a joke, but I did. I missed him.
I grabbed a fist full of his robe and inhaled his scent. This was just as healing as I imagined it to be.
"Caroline, are you okay?"

"I-I don't think I am.."
I couldn't hold anything back anymore. It's as if my emotions were on lockdown and he was the only one with a key. A key I didn't even have. Everything just feels like it was bursting out of me and onto him, and he always seemed more that happy to carry my burdens for me.

"Woah, angel, why are we crying?"

"Everything! Everything i-is turning more sour than a Granny Smith Apple! Not only am I stressed because of m-my schoolwork, I mean that's nothing I can't handle, but Mr. Williams is going to call my p-parents later because I've been m-m-misbehaving! I don't know how well Daddy is going to take that!"

"Misbehaving? I don't believe that for a second.  How so?" I think he's trying to calm me down by rubbing my back. I don't know if it's working...

"I haven't been as focused in his class. He always calls on me, and I haven't been answering right away. The c-class has noticed too."

"I doubt it's been that bad, sweetheart. Listen, let's go sit down. We can save this cleaning list for tomorrow, hm? It'll get done, with you by my side. I can drive you home and stick around to keep the damage from your parents to a minimum. How does that sound?"

"Home? I don't want to go home.."

His phone rang. Uh oh.

"I know, I know. Looks like it's your parents. I guess we should get in the car. Meet me in there, and work on your breathing while you wait. Give me two seconds, angel, then I'm all yours."

Oh. Breathing. That. He let me go to reach for his phone. I took a very shaky breath and collected myself as much as I could, before walking outside.

"Yes, Father."

"Hello? Yes, Elliot, she's here. Yeah, I can drive her. We're on our way."

Thank the Lord he's coming with.

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