Eat or be Eaten: Panic in the Forest

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Mashi walked with the others in her team through the so called Forest of Death.

It was the second phase of the chunin exams and they needed to find a heavens scroll to be able to pass.

They weren't in the forest for long before they heard screams echo.

The team of four came to a halt and turned.

"That...sounded like screaming..." Sakura gulped.

Mashi looked up as a flock of birds soared away from obvious danger.

"...I do not like this place" Sakura said, giving an involuntary shudder. "Oh come on, there's nothing to be scared of, it's gonna be a piece of cake" Naruto grinned, though his face fell serious for a moment.

"Excuse me, I gotta use the bathroom."

Naruto unzipped his pants, but Sakura lunged at him, punching him right in the head with a shout.

"Not in front of me, you don't! Go find a bush or something!" Sakura loudly reprimanded as Naruto walked away, grumbling.

He returned, only to be punched by Sasuke as he approached, hitting a tree.

" wasn't that bad. Don't you think you're going a little overboard?" Sakura asked. "Yeah. What the heck was that all about?" Naruto asked, sitting up. Sasuke contiued to attack while Naruto evaded his attacks.

Sasuke knocked Naruto down from a tree branch and Mashi pulled out her kunai.

"Watch out, you guys, he's gone crazy" Naruto wiped his mouth, speaking to the girls.

"I only struck before you could" Sasuke replied, drawing his own weapon out.

The two began battling once more.

"Mashi, what's going on?" Sakura whispered.

"Look closely at Naruto. Which hand is he holding the kunai with?" Mashi replied.

"I am Naruto!" Naruto shouted at Sasuke.

"Then where's the cut on your cheek?" Sasuke pointed out. "I guess you didn't know the real naruto got a cut on his face before the test! You also have your shuriken holster on your left leg, not your right! The real Naruto is right handed! Your transformation skills are even worse than Naruto's! Tell me who you are!" Sasuke demanded.

The jutsu wore off, revealing a man wearing a mask around his mouth. His headband revealed he was a ninja from the Hidden Rain Village.

"Alright, you got me, so what? I'm still going to take your scroll, so hand it over or else" the man threatened.

Sakura whipped out her kunai as well, preparing for battle.

"So which one of you has it?" The man asked, looking around. No one said anything and the man snickered.

"I guess I have to take all three of you out!" He lunged at them.

Sasuke leaped into the air, his fingers moving quickly. He released a barrage of fire balls, causing the man to lunge back. Sasuke chased him and the girls followed for back up.

Mashi looked up, seeing Naruto bound in rope, dangling from a tree.

She threw her kunai,wincing as her weapon sliced the rope, but nearly missed its target.

The enemy threw several kunai, but Sasuke swung from the tree limb he stood upon, a paper bomb exploding. Luckily, he emerged from the smoke, landing in his feet neatly.

"Hand over the scroll or you're dead."

"Sasuke!" Sakura cried out, seeing the kunai held to his throat.

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