Chapter 27

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We walked quickly. Eve was leading us up the side of the grand staircase that would bring us closer to the bedroom on the second floor. We all walked down the hallway and into the room. I was hearing humming.

"Anyone hear that?" Anne asked.

"The humming?" I asked hoping I wasn't the only one who heard it.

"Yes, the humming." Anne answered.

"I don't hear anything." Rowan said, Richard nodded his agreement.

"I hear it." Eve said.

Rowan and Eve helped get Anne and I over to the wall where we could sit down. Ricard was walking around the room.

He froze for a moment and brought his hand to my stomach. I could see he was thinking.

"You are lying." He said and brought his hand down to the button on my jeans.

He laughed as he got my pants open and was trying to slide them off my hips. I brought my knee up slamming hard into his groin.

"You fucking bitch." He said as he fought to catch his breath.

He let go of my hands only long enough to grab my shoulders and slam me hard into the wall. My neck cracked as my head slammed backwards into the hard wood of the wall. I was seeing spots as the edges of my vision went dark and I felt myself slide to the floor. He was bent in half holding his groin as he glared at me.

He straightened after a few minutes, I couldn't get myself to stand up or move. I could see how pissed he was as he drew his leg back and kicked at me, catching me in the ribs as I tried to dodge to the side away from him. I felt my ribs crack on the impact and sharp pain blazed through me. I wrapped my arms around my stomach to try and protect the little life growing there. He was bringing his leg back to kick me again.

"Please, don't. Stephen Please, stop." I screamed.

I started to cough up blood after the impact from the second kick not able to take a breath. I was fading, everything going dark.

"You good?" Rowan asked me as the flash faded.

"Yes, I think that was the end of it." I answered.

Richard had stopped in the middle of the room and was watching Anne and I until we both stood up. When he knew we were okay he walked around the room again, slowly and paying attention to everything. He stopped by the bed and stared at the wall between the head of the bed and the corner of the room.

"This bed has been moved." He finally said.

"How do you know?" Eve asked.

"Before the family got hit with the flu, in 1960 they put a panic room in this room. The little boy suffered from night terrors. They put in the panic room for him to hide in." Richard explained, "The door is hidden there's a release on the baseboard that would be right by the leg of the bed."

"It does look different from how the dream looked; I couldn't place it before." Anne said, "But it does look like the bed is closer to the wall now."

I went over to the bed and dropped down onto my knees to look underneath. It was too dark to see anything, so I pulled out pm phone to use the flashlight and shine it along the baseboard. After a few minutes I noticed that about three inches going under the bed from the leg I could see a place that looked different.

"Is this what I'm looking for?" I asked Richard who crouched down next to me to peer under the bed.

"Yes. It looks like somewhere along the line the bed got shoved over about six inches." Richard answered.

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