Chapter 16

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Eve walked over to the door and tried the handle. I could tell it was locked and I was starting to panic.

"Is this how you are trying to get attention?" Eve asked the room, "Or are you trying to scare us?"

Nothing responded.

I watched as Eve walked around the room touching things. She walked over to the window and looked out. I know she noticed the cemetery. She stood there staring out the window. When she turned back around, she walked to the bedframe and traced the carvings there.

She was waiting for a response that didn't seem to be coming. When she made it back to the door and tried the knob again it was unlocked. I followed her out the door and to the hallway. She didn't stop until we were near the library doors.

"He didn't like me being in there." Eve said.

"You could sense him?" I asked.

"I could, there was something else too, that one was harder." She answered, "I'm going to need to do some research and get Matt to introduce me to Richard."

"Do you think it's someone from the family?" I asked.

"No, I don't, I can sense them but there's a peace there. They like sharing the house with people." She answered, "They're calm and not troubled."

"What do you get from this one?" I asked.

"Rage mostly. Something happened in that room." Eve answered, "I also need to figure out who may have had that pendant."

"Is that something that your Coven keeps track of?"

"I've never had to ask before, I don't know. But maybe they'll remember the people they were given to and why." Eve answered, "Those ones aren't given out often so I may be able to find something out."

"I hope you can."

"Do you mind if I take it to ask about?"

"Not at all." I told her and handed her the pendant I had found in the room.

She took it and looked it over again, she whispered something so quietly I couldn't catch it. She went in through the grand double doors and I followed her. We were able to see where Matt, Kerri, and Rowan were when we looked over the railing to the floor below.

They were gathered near the desk talking. We could hear their voices but the words weren't making it up to us. Off near the window saw Nadi was sitting with a book, she looked up and saw us. I waved to her, she waved back.

"Friend of yours?" Eve asked.

"Her name is Nadi, I don't know if I would say friend yet, I only met her the other day and we only got the chance to talk then." I answered.

Eve nodded. She watched Nadi for a moment before leading the way the stair case that also served as a bookshelf to the lower floor. Matt saw us first and led the group over so we met at the base of the stairs.

"We were just starting to think it was getting to that too long point." Matt said.

"Just about." Eve agreed.

"Did you figure anything out?" Kerri asked her aunt.

"Not sure yet if I did." Eve answered, "Matt would you be able to take me to meet Richard?"

"I can do that, when are you thinking?" Matt responded.

"As soon as he is willing." Eve answered.

Matt nodded and headed off towards the back lounge to talk on his cell phone.

Kerri watched him go.

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