Chapter 24

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Eve was already getting a blanket set up on the floor for Anne and I to lay on. She turned and grabbed pillows.

"Don't be scared." She told me, "This time you have control, in a way."

"I know." I said.

Anne sat down on the blanket and patted the spot next to her. I obliged and sat down next to her. She laid down on her back and I copied her. She reached out her hand for my hand. I wasn't sure how I felt laying there holding hands with a woman I had just met getting ready to go into a nightmare.

"Close your eyes. Take deep breaths." Eve instructed as she started to hum.

I did as I was told.

The humming was soothing and drifted into words I didn't understand. I felt myself drifting off as I listened.

We were meeting in the room we always did. I wasn't sure why it was always this room, there were nicer ones in the manor. This one was on the small side and didn't have anything special about it. I had told his girlfriend about us, I had to I was pregnant now and had to tell him. She had cried and said that she knew something was going on when he had stopped bothering her to have sex with him. She had been calm besides the crying and said she would help me if he wouldn't. I didn't even want to be here but it was time for Stephen to make a choice. My thoughts were racing.

He came in after me.

"You're late." He said.

"You weren't even in here when I got here." I said back, I hated when he was like this, Anne must have done something again.

"I went to the library because I got tired of waiting."

"Why are you mad? Did Anne do something again?" I asked.

"God damnit, Nadine leave Anne out of this. You fucked up." He growled.

"Why won't you just leave her already?" I asked.

I was playing with the pendant I wore when he came back up to me and grabbed the chain, snapping it as he pulled it. I barely caught the pendant and put it on the window sill so I wouldn't lose it. He was mad at me and was fuming pacing back and forth. I was so tired of meeting in secret, he had been telling me that he was going to break up with his girlfriend because all they did was fight.

"I told you to give me time." He said.

"I have given you time but it's been two months." I said.

"Nadine, I told you I have to be careful how I do this." He said, "Anne is crazy and she may try to kill me."

"You keep saying that, but if she's really crazy why would you keep putting off getting away from her?" I asked, "The sooner you do that the sooner we can leave like we are planning."

"There's things that need to be done before I can just leave." He screamed at me pacing up to me so I backed into the wall.

He grabbed my hands and pulled them over my head, pinning them with his left hand. He had his face an inch away from mine, his brown eyes glaring into mine. He was almost growling, his left hand was squeezing my hands together hard enough that I knew I would have bruises later, his right hand was on my hip.

"You are hurting me." I said.

"What do you think you do to me every time you start to fight with me?" He said.

"I went and talked to Anne; she knows." I spit at him.

"You fucking bitch." He screamed, "Why would you do that?"

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