Chapter 12

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I didn't say anything about the marks, just helped Star get back to the couch and got her an ice pack. We were pretty sure it wasn't twisted or anything but just in case we wanted to fight off any possible swelling.

"Look at the marks." Star said.

"I see them, I don't like them." I said.

"I told you it felt like something grabbed me."

"I know you did, but there's nothing here that could have made marks like that."

"But they're there."

"I know but I think you gave them to yourself by rubbing your ankle." I told her.

"There's no way rubbing it caused those marks." Star said.

"What else could have?" I asked.

"I have no idea. All I know is it felt like something grabbed me and I tripped. Now there's marks." Star said.

I didn't know what to say to her. She wasn't wrong but there wasn't any way to explain what had happened.

"Maybe we should take you to get it checked out." I told her.

"No, it seems fine, I'll ice it and then see if it hurts when I stand up. If it does then we can go in." Star said.

"Do the marks hurt?" I asked.

"Not really hurt, they feel weird." She answered, "Like when you touch an ice cube with a wet finger and it sticks to you, that feeling when you pull it off."

"Hmmm." I responded.

Star picked up the PlayStation controller and hit the button that we were still there on Netflix to continue watching Gilmore Girls. After about fifteen minutes Star took the ice off and rotated her ankle before standing up and walking around on it. She had a slight limp as she moved. She stopped and rotated it again before continuing.

"You're limping." I told her.

"I noticed." She said and stuck her tongue out at me, "It doesn't hurt, just the pins and needles feeling like it was asleep."

"Are you just saying that so I don't take you to see a doctor?"

"Only a little. If it gets worse, I'll go but it really doesn't hurt." She said, "Plus I have to get going anyway."

"Fine. Please keep me updated if it gets worse. I'll go with you." I told her as she gathered up her things.

"I will." Star said, "Jace, I'm fine. It's nothing and I will be telling Darren you said yes."

"I didn't say yes." I said.

"You said sure." Star pointed out.

"Because you already have everything planned out." I said.

"Details." Star said as she brushed out the door, closing it behind her before I could say anything else.

I shook my head as I put the ice pack back in the freezer. I got the uneaten half of my burrito and put it in the fridge. Cupid was still chewing away at her bone.

"Well let's let you outside for a few minutes while there's a lull in the storm." I told her.

Cupid followed me to the back door and went out. I watched her splash in a couple of the puddles. I went to grab an old towel out of the bathroom so I would be able the wipe her paws off when I brought her back in. I turned on the light and pulled my hair up so I could splash water on my face. I looked back up at the mirror.

There was a man standing in the doorway behind me. His brown eyes caught my gaze in the mirror and locked me in place. Brown eyes I saw in a nightmare. He stepped forward and I watched as he reached out and pulled the hair tie from my hair letting it fall back down. He brushed it away from my neck so it was all over my right shoulder. There was ice where he touched.

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