Chapter 4

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Sarah, Andrew, and I were all standing by my 4runner in the parking lot.

"It's nice to have time off but what happened?" Sarah asked.

"I really don't know." I answered, "Abigail was locked in the kitchen alone and when the door opened, she was on the floor and her tongue was split. I didn't see a knife or anything anywhere."

"I don't think she could have done that to herself, but how else could it have happened?" Andrew said.

"The lengths some people will go to avoid stuff amazes me." Sarah said, "You heard the paramedic, it's not permanent damage. I bet she did research and knew that."

"But what did she do it with?" I asked, "I didn't see blood on her hands and there wasn't anything sharp around. And she was pretty freaked out."

"I just wouldn't put it by her." Sarah said.

"We'll probably hear more on Monday when we come in." Andrew said, "Get home and try to relax."

Sarah hugged me before I got into my 4runner and started the engine. I sat for a minute and let the music from the radio calm me for a minute. I put my Bluetooth earpiece in and called Star. She answered on the second ring as I put it into drive and started to head back home.

"You're calling early." She said.

"Yeah had crazy crap happen at work and got sent home." I told her.

"Crazy stuff?"

"Yeah, you know that girl, Abigail, the one I've been telling there's been issues with?"

"Oh no, what did she do now?"

"That's the crazy thing, I have no idea. We had a meeting to day and she went into the kitchen, locked the door and started screaming."


"When the door open se was sitting on the floor and her fucking tongue was split, like all the way split not the partial they do at piercing parlors." I told her.

"What the hell did she do?"

"I don't know, I mean I didn't see a knife or anything anywhere that she could have used. The paramedics did say it is reversable."

"How do they reverse that? Sew her tongue together?"

"I didn't ask, I didn't really think about it and I'm not sure I want to know anyway." I answered.

"Were you able to get the presentation done?" Star asked, I had told her yesterday what Abigail had done and that it had been rescheduled.

"No, this happened while we were setting up. She tried to get me to let her use my laptop but the boss, Nathan, made her go get hers and after she did that she went into the kitchen." I answered.

"So, she sabotaged you presenting again? Is there any length this bitch won't go to?"

"I have no idea. I mean why would someone slit their own tongue like that? There was so much blood." I said, "And get this, she was telling me how there's rumors going around that I'm pregnant with Riley's kid."

"Oh wow, I mean yeah you two share books and movies, but I didn't think you hung out outside of work."

"We don't. That's one reason we always exchange stuff at work, hell I don't even have his number and I'm not friends with him or anything on any social media."

"Talk about desperately trying to mess with you." Star said.

"I just don't know why. I mean we were good, then all of a sudden she's targeting me."

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