Chapter 17

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Cupid was excited when I walked in the door with Kerri and Rowan, she started her zoomies. She brushed past me as we were walking to the couches hitting my knee just hard enough to knock me into Rowan. He wrapped his arms around me as he was knocked off balance and we both fell to the floor.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I rolled off of him.

He was laughing as Cupid came over and started licking his face in his defenseless position on the floor.

"Taken out by a dog and a cute girl, yeah no complaints." Rowan answered as he rolled to his side and Cupid immediately cuddled up to him.

"Think the dog has claimed you." Kerri said.

"Yeah I don't think I can move now, I'm stuck forever." Rowan agreed, "Jace, you'll feed me, right?"

"She would just steal whatever food I gave you." I told him.

"You would let her make me starve?" He asked as Cupid put her head on her paw and looked up at me.

"Yes, yes I would." I answered, "Do you not see that face?"

"Fair." Rowan agreed as he went back to petting Cupid getting her to roll onto her back for belly rubs.

I went and sat down by Kerri. She was checking her phone.

"What happened with my aunt?" She asked when she put her phone down.

"Not much really, she was getting a sense of things and the door did close and lock but it unlocked again." I answered.

Kerri nodded.

"She really didn't tell me much about what she was doing." I added.

"Yeah that's her normal. She won't say much until she has real answers." Kerri said, "It used to drive me crazy, but I've gotten used to it."

"Looking forward to work tomorrow?" Rowan asked, changing the subject.

"Yes and no." I answered.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I'll be able to talk to the boss again and see what is going on with my presentation, but after everything else this weekend I just don't know if I am ready to focus." I answered.

"I can't imagine why focus would be hard." Rowan said dramatically.

"I know right, I mean it's not like anything happened that would mess with my head or anything this weekend." I added.

"Well, we should leave you two to relax and try your best to prepare for tomorrow." Kerri said laughing.

"But I can't." Rowan said, "Remember I'm stuck forever."

Kerri looked at him laying on my floor with my dog. She rolled her eyes at him.

"Cupid, do you want to go outside?" I said.

Cupid got up and followed me to the bedroom to be let into the back yard, her tail wagging the whole way.

"No, Cupid you have abandoned me." Rowan called after us.

Kerri was leaning on the corner of the couch when I came back, Rowan was still on the floor but now he was on his back looking up at the ceiling. He looked up at me as I stood over him.

"I think this would be better if you were wearing a skirt." He said and winked at me.

"Come on you pain in the ass." Kerri said as she kicked his legs.

"I'm not a pain." Rowan complained as he pushed himself off the floor and stood up.

"There are a million other things I could call you that are less nice." Kerri told him.

Attachment (Unedited Rough Draft)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora