Ever feel the weight of the world on your shoulder's? Yeah me too. Literally

Start from the beginning

Hansard POV (This will be the Last POV change for this chapter now I promise)

We started off alright. Me and Luke were back to back, slashing and stabbing into any monsters that come near us. We managed to hold them back for a good amount of time. Then I heard a scream of pain from behind me. One I recognised. Luke.

I turned around swinging Backbiter in a wide arc around me to eliminate any monsters too close to me and Luke. Then, with a power I've never felt before I let loose a shout of rage:

"Enough" I bellowed. "Lay down your arms and return from where you came"

I didn't know what had possessed me, but all the monsters obeyed. They all dropped their weapons. The minotaur lay down his axe, the emposia (Sp?) returned to their mist covered forms. Then one by one the all exploded into golden dust, until it looked like the top of the mountain was a desert. The only fight that carried on was Percy and Atlas' fight. But then Percy stabbed at the titan of endurance, who blocked it with his spear. However instead of pulling back, Percy twisted his trident with unimaginable strength. The spear was dragged out of the Titan's hands and in the next second Percy had Atlas on the floor with the trident at his neck. Murder in his eyes.

"Percy don't, we need him alive" I pleaded

"WHY AFTER EVERYTHING HE'S DONE, ALL THE DAMAGE HE'S CAUSED WHY DOES HE GET TO LIVE" Percy screamed. And that's when I knew why monsters feared him. At that moment I saw the Son of Poseidon. God of storms and seas, one of the most powerful gods before me. And the raw untamed power I felt radiating off him was the unrestrained power of the sea. I needed to calm him down so I did the one thing I thought would calm him. I stopped time everywhere. I could already feel my strength leaving me so I knew I had to be quick. I shadow travelled back to camp, looking around until I saw my target. I grabbed her and shadow travelled back to Mt Othyrs. Then I resumed time and promptly fell to the floor gasping for breath.

"Percy?" Annabeth called out after figuring out where she was.

"Ann- Annabeth" he stuttered

"Percy you need to put him back under the sky" she said to him

"Why, he deserves to die for everything he did. You know that wise girl. Think about Zoe, think about Bianca" Percy replied

"Exactly Percy, think about them. Would they want you to do this? Would they want you to leave Jensen under the sky?" Annabeth replied. I saw Percy look up to the sky, the stars were now bright and shining. A single tear fell down his cheek

"Atlas up now" He commanded. Atlas slowly stood up

"Wait!" I shouted "Where's my sister?" I demanded

"She's in the earth cousin, just under the surface of the mountaintop" He said, shocking everyone

"Why would you tell me that" I asked utterly dumbfounded

"I never wanted this Hansard. I was forced into this just like your father was all those years ago" He replied a soft smile appearing on his face. "Jackson you must pull her out with your earthshaker abilities.

"I will, but for now you must return to your burden Atlas" He said
Then Atlas walked over to Jensen, and shoved him out from under the sky, taking his place.

Looking at Jensen now I saw he had a couple of grey streaks in his hair. Me and Luke rushed over to him, picking him up and feeding him some ambrosia.

"Ow" he mumbled and me and Luke let out a chuckle. I turned around to see Percy and Annabeth in a full blown make out session. I cleared my throat to get their attention. They split apart blushing. Percy still had hold of Annabeth's hand.

"Right then" Percy said "Time to raise my aunt". Then he closed his eyes, knelt down to the ground and rested the end of the trident on the ground. Suddenly his eyes opened, glowing a deeper shade of green than his normal colour. The mountain began to shake and a crack appeared in the floor. Slowly a body rose out of the ground.

"LUCY!" I shouted, running over to her. I felt tears starting to run down my cheeks as I saw my sister who I thought was dead in front of me. Perfectly alive.

"Han?" She mumbled her eyes fluttering open "What happened? Where are we?"

"That is a long story, that I will tell you when we get home" I said

"Home?" she asked

"yeah sis, home" I answered

"Well this is all well and good talking about it, but I for one am really hungry. Hell I could go for some of Clarisse's cooking right now" Percy laughed

"Lets go home seaweed brain" Annabeth said giving him a light smack on the back of his head.

"Finally a quest that has a happy ending" Percy said walking away

"Not quite" came a voice I recognised.

I looked up.


Meg was stood just behind percy.

She pulled out a sword

She lunged

She stabbed Percy in the back

I heard Annabeth scream

I ran over to where meg was standing

She disappeared.

I ran over to Percy, Annabeth currently had his head in her lap. She was crying.

"Percy come on, we've go through worse than this" she said

"Wise... Girl" He said "I... love... you"

"No, don't do that, stop that" she replied

"Don't.. forget me.... but.... move... on" Percy mumbled

"No, don't say goodbye seaweed brain. I need you" She screamed. Percy reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. Annabeth gasped. When he opened it I saw that inside there was a ring. A beautiful silver ring with a pearl in it.

"Is that..?" I asked

"ye.... for you... Wise girl" he managed to get out

"Percy, you know I'm never going to get over you" Annabeth cried

"Yeah... how about.... we get married then...." Percy got out as he chuckled,

"We don't have time" Annabeth said

"I can slow down time" I began " I can't stop it or reverse it because I don't have enough energy left, but I can slow it down so you can do this"

Still crying she nodded

I closed my eyes and concentrated, I felt everything around me slow like it had done earlier. Except this time I concentrated on keeping Annabeth and Percy in real time.

"Right not got a lot of time so we'll skip straight to the important bit. Do you Annabeth Minerva Chase (A/N Just go with it) take Perseus Achilles Jackson to be your husband" I asked

"I do" she said wiping away a tear

"And do you, Perseus Achilles Jackson take Annabeth Minerva Chase to be you wife" I asked

"Duh" He said with a little laugh. I could tell he was happy to see that Annabeth smiled a little at that

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" I said solemnly knowing what had to come next

Once Annabeth gave Percy one last kiss I resumed time.

"Bui... Build something... permanent for me. ay wise girl" He said

"Of course" she replied

"I.. Love you" he finished before letting out one last breath.

And that was it.

Percy Jackson. The two time saviour of Olympus.

He was dead.

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