10.✍@ 1d_jollygood✍

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*chelsea briggs voice*

Hi people so here is another amazing interview with another our lady who is for some secret reason is in love with babies and she has got a quite valid reason for that too.

She is yet another wattpad celebrity of wishes to be an english teacher one day! She is sweet, smart and shy? you got me right ! you could call her a goody goody two shoes? i am not sure but yeah she could be classified as one!

Please welcome none other than

author of call boy and call me daddy... ---- 1d jollgwood(*clapping and hooting)

the interview is below

italics mean my persona opinion!


Me: Describe yourself and everything you want us to know regarding you and your life? What is the mystery behind your username?(I LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT)

Jolly: I'm 15 (until February) and I'm in school currently. I live in the UK and I very much like to think that I'm quite a chill gal. I tend to tell people that I have a busy life so I can make an excuse for not updating regularly but really I spend most of my time worrying about how busy my life should be but I'm not making it busy because I don't have the energy(?¿). And therefore I never have time to update. I cannot remember how I chose my user name, it was 2012. And I don't want to change it because it's too much hassle aka no one will know who I am.

Wow lady control your out of control emotions! this girl is suspicious!!

Me: What are your inspirations? And hobbies and secret talents? /

Jolly: It's bad because I cannot think of any inspirations to me, personally. I mean, you have the cliché music, celebrities and movie quotes etc. But yeah, I don't know if I can give an intellectual explanation on my inspirations. How about a quote that has inspired me to think differently? Okay, so-- "Everybody wants change, but nobody wants to change." Good, eh?

I'm going to put 'writing' under the category of my hobbies to hide the fact that I have so few. I love badminton, analysing and criticising movies (It's the saddest of hobbies) and I loooove cooking/baking. I love to bake- strudels, scones, even apple pandowdy.

One of my secret talents is not a very interesting talent. But anyways, I have a weirdly good memory. I can read things and remember every word instantly. And I can remember sounds well, too. Last week, I was calling my friend from Virginia and her dog started barking and I just said "That sounds just like a Pomeranian's bark" and she's like "Wtf how do you know I have a Pomeranian", and I had to explain how I can remember certain (dog) sounds.

ANYWAYS, ENOUGH OF THAT. I can act pretty well, and I can (modestly) make people laugh.

My final conclusion after reading this interview is that everyone here has completely truly lost their minds #longlivethecrazywattpadauthors.

Me: List your favourite-

- Actor/actress

-TV show and movie

- Authors and books



Jolly: Favourite actress- Susan Sarandon

Actor- Tom Hanks

TV show- South Park/Impractical jokers/Hardcore pawn (Ha-Ha

Movie- Forrest Gump/Kick Ass/ Pirates of the Caribbean(3)

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