The Jewels of My Gifts

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At my best I possess the "Jewels of my Gifts". At my lowest,...well lets just say I need some help. Recently, I had requested an instructor ( and 3 other instructors and staff members) to write a recommendation for my 4 year school. I showed her the ones I receive from you and other NY PVM staff to help her come up with some ideas. she didn't need it of course but she still wanted to read them. She pointed out that each person who wrote a recommendation had a unique and personal point-of-view of me. At the same time each still had the same basic opinion of me: my good character qualities. She was even more proud to have the ability to add her voice to my "small stash of gold" (my words). To this day whenever I feel at my lowest I take out and read the words from those letters. They keep me going.

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