A Journal Entry

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That point when you're on "Academic Plan B-2f." and decide to name it "Academic Plan C" then you realize (or get told) that this plan has a dead end and begin to draft "Academic Plan D" but have too many unsolved variables to move forward with the Plan draft and stop to cry. . . Need I go on?

So, then you review "Life Plan A" and toss it out. Why? It was a loss, long ago. One you look to "Life Plan B" you realize, once again, that this plan, too, has been a dead end. Then comes more frustration. Then you release the tears. Why? Because you've planned for 8 years of school, post-high school, but have completed only 2 years after starting one semester late and ending plus one semester thereafter.

Once again, you're on "Academic Plan D" and "Life Plan C" but the only thing you have written are your tears. And you fear having to settle for the restaurant down the street that you left for school.

Then, you realize that your "Academic Plan D" and "Life Plan C" failed long ago and you're lost. Here comes the flood.

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