Stand Up

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I stopped walking which led Luciano to also stop. I was going to keep quiet but this woman is seriously trying this move? Emotional blackmail is her last move when Luciano refuses to get married and is walking away.

Bella looked a mess and she looked angry and frustrated. She honestly looks like she hates me but I don't care because I don't like her either.

"What are you looking at you whore? Aren't you ashamed of having a fatherless child and luring my son for money?" I wiped my tears and smiled at her, taking in the fact that women like this exist.

"I don't know you, Bella. And you don't know me or my story, but you don't have to. I don't lack any decency but you? You as a woman and a mother should be disgusted by your own behavior. STORM IS MY BABY, MINE. I raised her on my damn own and I don't need a man let alone her father to help with her," I yelled in her face and her face was going pale in shock.

"But if you must know just so you can't judge then fine! I didn't give birth to Storm, I didn't. Her mother was not even ready to give birth when she was stabbed and killed in a house robbery. My best friend is Storm's mother and my older brother is her father. When I saw my best friend dead in a pool of her own blood and doctors removing Storm from her womb I was the one who had the trauma, not you Bella. When I planned her funeral with Bailey because she didn't have no family you didn't feel my pain,"

My tears were flowing but that didn't stop me from showing her how wrong she was about me because I refuse to be treated this way. Never.

"My own family disowned me for adopting Storm and my brother refused to raise his daughter. I loved my brother so much and we were so close, but he turned his back on me. I lost everything, Bella. I built myself for Storm, for my best friends. I raised this beautiful daughter of mine and I became her mother so don't dare tell me that I'm using your son. Don't you dare tell me that I want money. Don't you dare tell me that Storm is fatherless. You don't know me, okay? If you hurt just as bad as I did then you would know how much strength I have to not listen to your bull."

She stayed quiet and she looked at me in shock, remorse and sadness. I wiped my tears again and I sighed shaking my head.

"I don't need your pity. I don't need you to change the way you see because now you know my story. You should be ashamed of yourself. And let me just say something to you Bella. Luciano is too old for you to be doing this to him. He's grown and he knows what HE wants. He shouldn't have to sacrifice his happiness because you refuse to let him take control of his own life. Let your sons live their lives, make mistakes, cry or be happy! Stop threatening and emotionally blackmailing them. But obviously your sons love you too much to yell and tell you to change. Be glad that they're even still putting up with your attitude because honestly anybody else would've left a long time ago."

She looked at Luciano who looked everywhere but back at her and her eyes then landed on a silently crying Storm and she bowed her head. Bailey and Georgia walked past Bella and I didn't even notice that Damien, Matteo and Giovanni were all back and watching.

"Stay away from my daughter. Go after me, I don't care, but my daughter is not going to be part of your silly games." I walked away from her and I felt Luciano's hand on my back as we followed him to the front door.

I saw a car parked outside and Bailey quickly caught up to me and told me that she'd come with our luggage and so I agreed. She ran back inside and I sighed taking in some fresh air.

"I'm sorry about my mom. I didn't think she'd do this and cause so much drama and hurt." I looked at Luciano and he wiped my tears with his jaw so clenched.

"Stop that and relax your face Luciano. It's not your fault nor can you predict the future. Let's just leave it and enjoy the rest of the time we're here okay?" I smiled softly also pulling myself together and he nodded with the tiniest smirk.

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