Last nerve hit

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I walked out my house and drove to work. It was a beautiful sunny Monday morning. I enjoyed the sun a lot and hated snow. Days at work have been much better because Mr Michael started being nice all of a sudden, but I know that DelaVegas must've threatened him.

I didn't even bother ask about the money he owes, I just went about my day. Last week Friday he actually called me to his office to practically sleep with him because the girl that he ordered wasn't around. He even confessed that he "loved" me and how he just wanted to make me jealous.

I was glad it was a Friday because I wouldn't have wanted to see him the next day. I didn't even mention it to Bailey. Now that it's a full week again, I have to find a way to ignore him when it comes to our personal lives. I only just feel bad about his wife.

I arrive outside and Tony takes my car as usual. As I'm walking in I can hear the whispers from people as they look my way. I see some disgusted, annoyed and mean glares. I really thought they'd stop already. Why do people always start rumors about me?!

I flip my hair, adjusting my clothes as I wait for the elevator to stop at the top floor.

I flip my hair, adjusting my clothes as I wait for the elevator to stop at the top floor

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After a few seconds, the elevator doors opened on the top floor. I walk to the personal reception for this floor and I stop at the receptionist, Georgia. She was the only nice person on this floor, besides Bailey.

"Good morning, Georgia!" I said and she looked up from her computer smiling as she typed a bit more.

"Hey Nevaeh! How are you today?" She asked moving her blonde hair out of her face and adjusting the glassses she hardly ever wears.

"I'm doing good thanks. How's your morning?" I asked as I took a sip of my morning coffee.

"Just became great, except for Mr Michael of course. He's in a bad mood today." She said shaking her head. "And I'm sorry to say but they're rumors starting again. Ag, it's so annoying. People are just so judgmental these days." She said crossing her arms and sighing.

"What are the rumors now?" I asked rolling my eyes, not at her but at whoever keeps talking about me.

"Nevaeh slept with the boss. Nevaeh got the job after having a threesome with the boss and his wife. Nevaeh is a psycho who stalks everyone here, she might even be a killer. I'm sure that she killed her best friend, just to have her baby, maybe she can't have children herself..." Georgia says in a squeaky annoyed voice and I can feel my blood boiling.

I wouldn't ever do any of those this. Is so hard for people to show me some respect? I know that some of these rumors must have come from one person I know that hates me here, Trinity. She hates me because I got the P.A job and ever since, she's made sure to let me know.

"I'm telling you girl, it's that bitch Trinity and her group of friends." Georgia added.

"I know it is. I swear, if I could kill someone it would've been her a long time ago." I said with furrowed eyebrows looking towards her office door.

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