Messy luck

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I enter the bathroom quickly and I close the door behind me. Of course she couldn't be kind, what was I thinking? She probably hates me for being her son's date.

I use the restroom and I walk and stood in front of the huge mirror and sighed. I don't know how long I stood here but I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Nevaeh, it's me. I'm coming in, okay?" I heard Luciano's voice and I didn't protest him entering here. I hear the door click open and I look at him as he walks in looking a bit worried but relieved.

"Are you alright? Why are you just watching yourself in the mirror?" He asked and I just shrug. I shouldn't tell him about his mother, I mean, they looked so close. I'm not getting between them.

"Nothing. I'm just looking at myself I guess?" I reply with a fake smile and he nods his head as if he didn't believe me but didn't push it.

"Come on, let's go have some food and then you can relax." He takes my hand and leads me out and back to the living room.

I hear laughter coming from Bella who turns her head to me and Luciano as we walked back in. She put a toothy smile on and acts normal and I look away trying to avoid her. I take Storm, who was playing on the floor, away from Bella and she sits on my lap.

Storm stares at me in thought and I smile softly as she folds her arms innocently.

"Momma is sad..." she says loudly and I'm a bit surprised at her words. But yet again she probably knew me all too well to see my moods. Everyone looks at me but I ignore them hiding behind a smile.

"No, momma isn't sad. Don't worry, okay?" I say tickling her a bit and she giggles and nods her head. My eyes meet Luciano's but when I see Bella looking at me again, I look away.

"Alight! The food is prepared for us, come on everyone, please follow me!" Belle says and her accent come out more as she leads us all to the dining room.

"What did my mother say to you, Nevaeh?" Luciano says as he stops me from walking along with Storm who quickly got off and ran to Bailey. I instantly think of denying but it's like he read my mind and gave me a stern look warning me not to lie.

"Okay okay...she didn't say much. She said that I'm basically a gold digger and I'm not worthy of being with someone like you and that Storm and I should leave..." I said softly, not meeting his eyes.

He groans and sighs and I see him run a hand through his hair and he had an angry expression on his face.

"I knew she wouldn't change her ways." He says lowly. "I'm sorry on her behalf, love. She's not the nicest person and as much as I love her, she's not the best person." He said apologetically but he also looked regretful. Something told me that they have a rocky relationship already.

"It's alright. I'm too old for her opinion to get to me. I guess I'm just surprised that she'd say and do something like that, she doesn't know me at all." I said whilst rolling my eyes.

"Did she hurt you, physically? Don't lie or defend her please." I nod saying yes.

"Well she dug her nails into my arm and I thought she was gonna strangle me but she just waved her hand around it before letting go. A threat I guess." I show him my arm as I spoke and I had bruises from her sharp nails.

"I'll have a word with her about all of this. And please, don't listen to what to what she said or what anyone else has to say, especially if it something like that. As much as she's my mom, it'll be my decisions and choices that are final." He said reassuringly before placing a kiss on my cheek and taking my hand.

I smile at him and he chuckles shaking his head as we walked into the dining room. Luciano sat down next to me and his mother in front of us. I shoot her a smile and I look at Bailey who was sitting with Storm and bonding.

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