35 - Unbelievable

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"My Queen, are you sure about this?" the reluctant Myhtican soldier asks. 

"Absolutely" a strand of her hair falls down her face as the helmet pressed her head. The night air strangely calms her down.

"But the King's orders-"

"Shush, he will thank me for this" 

Val gathered the remaining men of Myhtica as a squad, working under her in secrecy. Orion forced her hand, he banned her from meetings and she banned him from entering the bedroom. Though, she did miss his touch. Deeply. Not to mention his eyes, just thinking about it tingles her nape. 

"Queen Valeryie, they're heading this way" another Myhtican on a horse came to knock her out of trance.

"Good" she smirks "Get the archers ready" 

Myhtica's land is full of mountains and valleys, she blew up the mountain pass and forced his army to make a detour where the land is more fragile and the road treacherous, many of the horses and carts fell down the cliff. Of course, that's not all. A river lies in wait to slow them down but during this time of year, the river dries up and is filled with mud, deep mud.

Val hid on top of the hill that used to be a waterfall, watching as Kalilis's men struggle to get out of the mud river. None of them knew, she laced them with oil. 

She gives a signal to the archers "Fire"

And then dozens of fire arrows rain down as the stench of burned meat filled the air and screams penetrate the night. 

"Ambush!" "Over there!" "Archers fire back!"

That's the cue for her to get the fuck out of there. Val almost slipped when she ran over to her horse and rode as fast as the wind could carry her. Checking and counting her men as they were being pursued. At the very least, she narrowed their number quite a lot, better than expected and with no casualties. It was almost dawn when they see the camp's fire in a distance.

A soldier in front of her stop abruptly, the horses step back, unwilling to go any further. She came down her horse to see what's obstructing the way and there he is. A big lion standing at the end of the road, wind brushing his mane, his white fur shined even in darkness but what made it scarier is the its glinting golden eyes. The lion tilts his head and went into the forest and her men breathe relief but not her. Not her.

"Go ahead," she told them "I have other things to take care of"

"But- my Queen, it's dangerous. Let me escort you"

"It's okay, trust me, just go" slapping the horse's butt "Take him as well" she gave the rein of her horse to another.

They went unwillingly and she was nowhere to be seen when one of her men turns back to glance at her.

"What the fuck Val?! I went to your tent and you were gone! Explain!" the naked godlike creature pace back and forth in front of her, his dangling-, okay that's enough.

"I had a plan and I went through with it. It was a success, you're welcome" taking off her cloak.

"What plan!"

Val went up to him "We lead them to a more dangerous road and ambushed them with oil and fire, the cliffs and fire reduce a significant number of his army and slowed them down" to her dismay, she had to cover his private part "This way we have a higher chance of winning" tying the fabric around his waist.

His worried gaze swiped her up and down.

"I'm okay. We're okay, everything went well"

"I'm not" his mouth tightly shut, jaws twitching. One could almost see the veins popping out his forehead.

The King And His Queen WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now