"Hey guys-" Thomas tried to stop us from arguing.

"Jade." I heard newts soft voice from behind me, it was a simple whisper. That almost made me stop, until Gally replied.

"No! I'm actually doing manly things. You know ever since you and Thomas came here, everything's been fishy. Even Teresa. You and Teresa are supposed to be cooking and cleaning. Teresa wasn't even assigned a job yet. You don't even deserve to be a runner! You also really never contribute to the community." Gally said annoyed.

"Are you listening to this? You are mentally insane!" I said irritated.

"GALLY!" Newt yells.

"Hi! My name is Jade. I try to be cool because I'm one of the two girls in this whole thing. I try to fit in. I'm a sl?t. I AM USELESS. I am worthless! I should just die!" Gally laughed and so did a couple others. Gally was in a high pitched voice mimicking mine.

"OH as if you thought I haven't tried!?" I yelled. I could tell the energy in this room was not positive.

"Gally back off okay? If your gonna act like this your going to get yourself punished." Newt said stepping infront of me to face Gally.

"Really? I get punished for talking but she can't for running and breaking almost every rule." Gally says crossing his arms.

I then walked out of the room out of how irritated I was. I wanted to fight him but I knew Newt and Thomas wouldn't have liked it.

Newt was unsure as if he wanted to chase her or beat the h3ll out of Gally. He sent a look to Thomas and Minho to go after her. He would just stay here.

As soon as they went out the door, Newt grabbed Gallys shirt and was surprisingly strong as Gally couldn't not pull away. Newt whispered in his ear.

"Don't call her a sl!t or useless or worthless ever again! because she's not that and she will never be. She's useful, worth a lot, and one of the best things that has ever happened to me."

Newt realized he was getting sidetracked and tried his best to stay on topic.

"If this happens again, I might just throw you to the grievers." Newt said finishing his sentence. He kneed him in the WOOHOO and let go of his shirt, causing him to fall backwards and on the floor holding his WOOHOO in pain. He then was eager to find JC.

I sat on the log that I usually sit at with newt while eating dinner.

"Jade?" I heard Minho's voice. Minho and Thomas both hopped over the log and sat next to me.

"You guys really didn't have to come. I can handle this stuff on my own." I said picking at my nails.

"No, it's not ok. Gally as you already know, doesn't know what he's talking about." Thomas said.

"Trust me if i were Alby I would banish him forever." Minho joked. I heard Thomas hit him behind me and I laughed. I could hear Thomas laughing although he didn't mean to make me laugh. And Minho was just rubbing his sore arm.

"Where's Newt?" I questioned.

"I don't know. All I know is when we left. It was getting heated between him and Gally." Minho said.

"Yeah I've never seen him like that before. Ever." Thomas admits.

I thought that was interesting to think about it. Why out of all the three years he's been here he only decides to take action now.

"Well protect you from Gally though, you don't have to worry." Thomas said, rubbing my back.

"Thomas get your hand off of my back." I said.

"Yup." He said awkwardly taking it off.

"Anyways what Thomas was saying before it gets weird. I'm pretty sure she's got it on her own." Minho said.

"Well dude I'm just—

"NUH UH you was all—

I couldn't with them. They really couldn't stop arguing. I couldn't stop laughing as this was really entertaining until I heard footsteps behind us. I thought they would have noticed but they didn't so I checked who it was myself. It was most likely Newt. There was his brown eyes that sometimes I couldn't help myself get lost in. He was standing there, like usual. But this time, he had a tone of sympathetic.

"You're not what he says you are." Newt says.

"I've heard that one before." I said.

"I'm bloody serious! I could've choked him on the spot. Being second in command, I cant do that sadly." Newt said disappointed, looking down at the grass swaying for a moment.

"You don't need to protect me, I can handle myself." I said, looking in his eyes.

"Then why'd you walk out?" Newt asked.

"Because I too would've strangled him, but you being second in command, i couldn't do that."I smirked.

Newt smirked and shook his head.

"So Minho, Thomas!" Newt called over.

They jogged over.

"Yeah?" Thomas questioned.

"What's this 7 cylinder thing you found?" Newt asked.

"Well—Minho tossed it to Newt to inspect— It could be a lead to get us out."
I saw Newts attention has been grabbed as he looked up to Minho.

"Seven is a district. We are thinking that's where all these grievers are coming from." I said.

"And if that's where they come, that's where they go out. Eventually if they have a way in we have a way out." Thomas said.

It went quiet for a few seconds until Newt spoke.

"So you're hopeful this is a way out?" Newt said, tossing it back to Minho.

"Yeah. Yeah we are." I said.

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