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I close the door to San's apartment and look around. San's place is quite different than mine, more spacious but only one bedroom and one bathroom. I make my way to his room and open the door, I frown as I look around and sigh loudly.

"Where are you?!" I loudly say as I throw my head back and walk over to his bed. Letting myself fall on San's bed, I stare at the ceiling thinking of all the places he could be. Which, honestly, I don't know them all.

A door closed and I sit up quickly, staring at the open bedroom door, waiting to see who it is. San appears in the door way and stares at me in disbelief.

"You weren't expecting this sexy thing to be on your bed." I joked sarcastically at him. "Ah, nope. You have been avoiding me, my dear best friend and I would like to know why."

"Eun..." San starts but I raise my hand for him to stop talking.

"I'm not done." I say and stare at him angrily.

"Well I am, EunJeong!" San yells and my eyes widen slightly. I get up of the bed and stand in front of him, to which he stepped back. "You know how I feel. And seeing how close you are getting with Wooyoung... It hurts. I can handle being your friends, but I can't handle seeing you with someone else."

"San, don't do this again. You promised. You promised you won't let your feelings get in the way..." I stop talking and stare at him. " I thought that we moved passed this."

"I didn't! I didn't move pass it! I been trying to not let my feelings in the way of our friendship again, but I'm tried." San says and I sigh, nodding my head. If he accepted to be my friend after what happened, I might as well accept this.

"Fine, I will just...I— his my roommate San." I say and he shakes his head and crosses his arm.

"That's the thing, Eun. I'm not asking you to not get close to him or to not have feelings for him because I can't control that. You know what we have to do." He says and I quickly shake my head.

"Uh-huh. No. We aren't doing that again. That was hell, you know that and I know that." I say and he sighs walking over to his bed and sit down on the edge of it. "I'll think of something, I always do. But please, don't do that."

"Well, while you figure out what to do... I can't go to your place or be around you when you are with him." He says and I nod my head while smiling a little.


"I'm home!" I say loudly and close the door. I really don't know what to do with San and Wooyoung. I mean, his my friend but Wooyoung is his friend too. Why does things like this happen to me?

I sit down on the couch and turn on the television. This is very difficult.

"Hey, Eun. Where have your been?" I hear Wooyoung come out of his room and walk over to the couch. I tense up a little and look at him, seeing him sit down.

"With San. When did you get home from work?" I ask him and he shrugs. Nodding my head, I turn to look back at the television. I touch my temple and rub it softly as I get a migraine. "Mhm. I hate the fact that I have night shift today."

"I mean, you can call and say you can't make it." Wooyoung says and I scoff while smiling.

"I been out of work for like two weeks, I need to pay the bills and we need food." I say and look at him, to which he is already looking at me. "I should go get ready." I'm about to get up when Wooyoung takes my hand.

"Something is bothering you. What is it?" He asks and I look down to his hand on mine. Taking my hand out of his, I stand up without saying a word. How am I supposed to tell my roommate, someone that apparently I have some feelings for, to not be close to me in order to maintain a friendship with someone that— that has been in love with me since the day we met.

So many thoughts coming and going in my head. Questions that I have the answers to but can't seem to answer. This is going to take a tool on me and I don't know what to do about it. Should I end a friendship that might not end well? Should I end the happiness that is slowly growing inside me? Or should I try to find a way to fix this all together? So many thoughts! I can't handle this.

Why can't I have a decent day without having to deal with someone's problem or my own?


I'm back!

I'm not dead if some of y'all were thinking cuz of COVID and what not.

I got uninspired and then I changed the ending or the last chapter and then I came up with this chapter and it was a very slow writing and short but it has a lot of feelings in it so yeah.

Anyways updates on this book is going to be slow but I'm going to try my best to focus on it and finishing it if I don't extend more than I'm planning on.

Always smile and stay healthy!


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