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"Everyone at one point in life has had to come across dangerous things in life, rather that being family, friends, loved ones, or even animals; they had to cross them. We try to run away from them, in hope that those dangerous people, or things, won't find us. But it always does. Danger will always find you, its just as simple as that."

When my parents found out they were having a baby girl they immediately knew what they were naming me. Eun, meaning kind, mercy, careful combined with Jeong, meaning pretty, grateful. EunJeong. It's funny now that I truly know who I am and that I am not merciful, or grateful. In fact, the world, the universe, has not been kind, or merciful, not even pretty to me. It has been spitting on me since the day I was born.

My grandma would always say and I quote "be grateful, Eun! Your mother gave away her life for you! Be successful for her!". What a grateful disappointment I am. Grandma never really cared or loved me as much as she thought she would. I wouldn't blame her though, the first thing her granddaughter did was take her daughter away from her.

My father tried his best to raise me without a mother, and he indeed tried until it killed him. He died when I was eleven, by drowning in the bathtub in our house. He really couldn't handle raising me without his wife and the mother of his daughter.

No one in the family wanted me. Saying I am a living bad luck charm. They weren't wrong. But I have done well for myself for being bad luck.

Well, not completely.

Growing up, I lived with my grandma till I was seventeen, when she died. I took some money from her badly hidden money under her drawer and ran away from home. I made it all the way to Seoul, where I am now living and being free. I started working in a restaurant that pays well, met new people, some bad, and have a neat apartment.

Although, it gets lonely sometimes so I  have been thinking of getting a roommate to fill that empty room across from mine. But I have yet to make a final decision. All that I know is that today is Sunday, meaning is cleaning day for me. There's not much to clean, just broom and mop and maybe move the furnitures to have a different scene when I come home.

Aside from it being cleaning day, today my best friend comes over for movie night. When he and I noticed we been friends for over a year and a half, we decided that sundays will be our friendship day. We spent it together always. Rather that be with movies, playing, even reading or doing nothing, we will celebrate it.

His name is Choi San, my very handsome, loving, flower boy of a best friend. He and I fit so well with each other, it's like we were the missing puzzle we were looking for. We are what many would say soulmates. I couldn't ask for a better best friend. San will always be my San, even if we have done bad things together.

Cold Hearts (Jung WooYoung - ATEEZ)Where stories live. Discover now