The Gala of Suspicion

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Ruby POV

Weiss: Only my father would turn a hostile takeover into a fluffy PR move.

Ruby: On the news, he said he just wanted to break bread and hash things out. Maybe it won't be so bad.

Sariel: Yeah, I doubt it.

Ruby: Well, we do want the General to start opening up to these people, right?

Oscar: Yeah, but on his terms. Ironwood's going to be locked in a room at his rival's own dinner party. I know Jacques says he's happy to moderate, but all that really means is he'll be the one controlling the conversation.

Vega sarcastically: I wonder why.

Weiss: I still can't believe he won. Robyn was supposed to be the people's champion, wasn't she?

Weiss sighed before continuing.

Weiss: There's just too many coincidences.

Yang: You really think your dad might have something to do with Salem?

There was a brief pause.

Weiss: I think my father would do whatever it takes to win.

Ruby: And we should do the same.

Vega let out an excited laugh.

Vega: We talking espionage here?

Ruby: Well, nobody knows Weiss' father better than she does, and out of everyone going tonight, I'd say you're the only one who could snoop around the house and not be questioned. If Jacques Schnee is up to something, I think we should know what it is.

Vega POV

Vega in head: The irony of that statement is astounding.

Later on at the Schnee Manor

3rd. Person POV

The Jedi, the Ace-Ops, as well as Ironwood and Winter, stepped out of their respective vehicles.

Ironwood: Suppose we should smile for the cameras?

Winter: Sir, with all due respect, you'd have to pay me.

One by one, they all made their way towards the front entrance. Once they had all gathered there, Ironwood rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, Whitley Schnee answered the door.

Whitley: Good evening everyone.

Weiss: Where's Klein?

Whitley: What an interesting way to say "Hello, dear brother, how have you been?"

Sariel in head: It hasn't even been a minute and I've already had enough of this little shit.

Whitley: I'm afraid you won't find him here. He was let go. I can't imagine why.

Weiss' eyes widened slightly.

Whitley: General, exactly how large do you think our dining room table is?

Ironwood: I happen to know it's enormous, but most of my guests will be on standby in case the council requests additional eyewitnesses. Until then, I'm sure they'll be happily celebrating your father's victory.

Whitley lets out a smug chuckle and lets them in. The group promptly follows him into the main hall.

Whitley: For those of you joining us in the dining room, please follow me.

Ironwood, Winter, Penny, and Clover followed Whitley into the dining room.

Clover: Wish us luck.

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