Betrayed Yet Again

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Darth Saeris POV

The whole airship was silent for a few seconds before Robyn spoke up.

Robyn: Declaring... Martial Law? We cannot let him do this!

Clover: Ms. Hill, I'm sure the General understands the enormity of his-

Clover was then cut off by his scroll chiming. He activated it and saw a list of newly wanted convicts. This list included all of the Jedi, as well as Qrow Branwen and their farmboy associate.

Saeris: Oh? What a turn.

Clover sighed and got out of his seat and approached Qrow.

Qrow: Clover...

Clover: Qrow, you should know that I've been asked to bring you in.

Tyrian began to laugh.

Tyrian: A free ride and a show.

Clover: There's also an alert out for the Jedi's arrest.

Qrow: What? Has James lost his mind?

Robyn: He's trying to stop anyone who might get in the way of this inhumane plan. Looks like he underestimated me.

Robyn readied her crossbow.

Clover: Only Qrow is under arrest. After all we've been through tonight, please don't make me arrest you too.

She didn't stand down, and as a result, Clover readied his weapon.

Saeris: Sacrifices are sometimes necessary, miss Hill.

Robyn: Like you would know, you damn sociopath!

Qrow: All of you, cut it out! We're almost back to Atlas. Let's talk to James personally and-

Tyrian: It's taking a very long time for this show to get to the good part.

Qrow & Saeris: Shut up!

Robyn: He's right. Let's get this over with.

Saeris: Don't you dare.

Clover: Robyn!

She fired her weapon at Clover, who immediately deflected it. They then clashed a few times, but Clover quickly overwhelmed and disarmed Robyn.

Qrow: Alright.

Qrow then stood up and attempted to slash at Clover, who dodged the attack. Clover and Qrow then swung again, locking blades.

Clover: I wish it hadn't come to this.

Qrow: It doesn't have to!

Robyn then jumped back into the fight, breaking the lock.

Robyn: You can hug it out once we've taken him down.

They continued to clash at each other, in the frenzy, I had failed to notice that Tyrian, somehow, had come free of his restraints, and managed to kill the pilot. The airship lurched forward and Tyrian, now wearing the pilot's hat, laughed maniacally.

Saeris: What do you think you're doing?

Tyrian: The will of our goddess!

He then made a leap for the yoke, but I acted quickly. Harnessing my hatred for Tyrian, I used a bolt of Force Lightning to send him writhing in pain. The Lightning, however, had another adverse effect.

Clover: Shit, the systems are offline! We're going down!

Clover acted quickly, jumping out of the ship. Before any of us could react, the airship hit the ground.

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