First Shift

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About a week passed since the bonfire and let me say, I have never been happier. Mum made great friends with the adults in the council as well as a few other family's within the tribe. I got closer with the pack seeing them as brothers and family I would protect. I haven't gotten any closer to my father than before, I just couldn't find any leads on him. But I did get closer to Jacobwe either text each other or see eachother everyday, mum allows him to sleep over all the time and understands our bond. The only thing that ever seems to damper him is when that girl Isabella keeps calling him demanding she see him and talk to him. But to cheer him up I decided with the guidance of Peryton to take him to the special tree. I meet him in the tree line just outside my house and greeted him with a big hug and kiss.

"Morning Padfoot" I whispered against his lips. He chuckled and kissed me back saying

"morning Prongs" he greeted back. "What are we doing today?" He asked

"I'm gonna take you somewhere" I said, making him raise a brow.

"Oh really?" He challenges when I took out a blind fold

"Really" I said. He sighed and let me blindfold him. I told my two fox friends to hang out with mum today so it would be just us and Peryton.

"Trust me" I whispered in his ear making him shiver.

"Always" he muttered back as I took his arm in mine and guided him blindly through the woods. When we got into the beautiful clearing my friendly animals stood around at the tree line getting a look at whom I brought.

"Keep your eyes closed when I take this off" I said, reaching for the blindfold.

"You have my word" he said teasingly. I rolled my eyes and took it off watching his eyes. I then snapped my fingers lighting up some of the hanging glowing flowers and signaling the lightning bugs to blink their lights.

"Okay, open" I said standing next to him. He opened his eyes and his jaw dropped.

"Wha... what is this place?" He asked looking around in awe.

"My sanctuary, the meadow of magic, where the tree of the protectors resides" I said introducing this place. I watched as some of the smaller animals came over to greet me and Jacob welcoming him in their own way.

"I'm surprised I've never seen this place" he said softly glancing over at me then back to the small fawn that was rubbing on his leg.

"It's protected by magic, all those who don't have my clearance can't find it" I said, making him nod.

"Come" I said, taking his hand in mine and leading him to the tree. He looked at me confused. I pressed my hand where the door was and the bark opened for us. I lead him into the space and allowed him to take it in.

"Your bond has grown, you are stronger because of it" I heard Peryton say.

Jacob jumped and I said.

"Must you come out of nowhere?" He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"It's nice to see you again mr. Peryton sir" Jacob said nervously. Peryton chuckled and said

"You need not be frightened or nervous young Black, you are here today to help me get Griffin to finally transform, he is overdue" Peryton said making me blush.

"I wasn't told of this" I told Jacob glaring at Peryton.

"You've progressed exceptionally fast with everything, except your transformation, don't be pissy cause I'm right" he said rolling his eyes.

"What do you need me to do?" Jacob asked.

"For now, just be present, he might draw from your bonds to connect with his inner Peryton" he said, making Jacob nod.

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