Fight and Secret

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A few days passed and the supernatural trained everyday. Soon enough the day had come here we would be forced to fight. Embry was the one to take Bella up to the mountain and guard her for the night on Sam's orders with Edward who had been pissed at her since I shared some key info with him. The pack decided to meet before the battle and bond once more making our connections stronger than before. So here we sat, even Embry took a few moments away from the mountain to join us in our minds. I laid with my wings relaxed against my sides where Jacob was pressed up against. On my other side was Seth who I knew would be helping Embry when the battle began. The rest of the pack were within the circle and were chatting softly with one another.

"Can you sing for us Griff?" I heard Seth ask. I looked over and hummed in my head.

(Start Song)

"Oh, misty eye of the mountain below

Keep careful watch of my brothers' souls

And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke

Keep watching over wolfen sons"

I sang softly in our mind, looking at each of my pack.

"If this is to end in fire

Then we should all burn together

Watch the flames climb high into the night"

We all stared into the small fire pit that we surrounded in our stronger forms.

"Calling out for the rope

Stand by and we will

Watch the flames burn on and on

The mountain side, hey

And if we should die tonight

Then we should all die together

Raise a glass of wine for the last time"

I could hear my brothers around me humming softly in the background, in our minds.

"Calling out for the rope

Prepare as we will

Watch the flames burn on and on

The mountain side

Desolation comes upon the sky

Now I see fire

Inside the mountain

And I see fire

Burning the trees

And I see fire

Hollowing souls

And I see fire

Blood in the breeze

And I hope that you remember me"

I looked down at Jacob who was the one leading the humming. His eyes were slightly glazed over and his pupils blown wide. I moved my wing so it was around him before continuing.

"Oh, should my people fall

Then surely I'll do the same

Confined in mountain halls

We got too close to the flame

Calling out for the rope

Hold fast and we will

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