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I glanced over at Paul who growled under his breath. I looked at the other boys and saw they didn't like this girl either.

How did I not realise this before, this is Bella Swan.

"What did you do!?" she yelled running up and shoving Sam. The Pack responded.

"Watch it" Jared said warning her

"Easy" Sam said with a growl. I stood on the end next to Embry watching her with narrowed eyes. The things I wanted to say to this girl have no limit.

"He didn't want this!" she yelled

"And we do?" Paul asked in a growl. I stepped forward and said.

"Who do you think you are saying anything about what he wants! You only came here because the bloodsucker abandoned you!" I yelled. Everyone nodded in agreement and growled.

"I'm his best friend!" she exclaimed offended

"You Dearest leach lover, are no friend of his" i said with a low voice. Nature began to react to my pissed off mood and wind began picking up in the small clearing. I heard Paul snort and glanced over just in time to see Bella slap him. His anger kicked in and he began growling. I let out a sigh and knew he was going to shift.

"Why must I always be the one to do the right thing, why can't I just let her die" I muttered to myself making Jared laugh. Sam was trying to get Bella to run. Just as she began to back away Paul reared up and shifted growling in her face. I ran in front of her and held my arms out as he lunged creating a wing barrier around me. I heard Bella yell something about Jacob then saw his wolf tackle Paul away from my barrier. I released it and bent over heavy breathing.
"For fucks sake" I said, still bent over.

"Good job" Sam said, passing next to me and patting me on the shoulder. "Get the bitch to Emily's, I'll wrangle Jacob and paul" Sam said making me groan.

"Nope, not happening, I'm not talking to her, If I did all hell would break loose. I'll trail after them and meet them at Emily's." I said not taking no for an answer. He sighed but nodded. He jogged off into the forest after my boys and left Jared and Embry with me and a still shocked Bella who was now on the ground.

"You two take her to Emily's, I can't be in her vicinity right now without wanting to wring her neck" I muttered when they came up to me for orders. I saw her eyes snap to mine. I sneered and walked into the forest in the direction of Emily's house. I got there after them because I had to cool off. When I got there I went inside and greeted Emily before leaning on the wall near the door. I didn't acknowledge Bella but nodded to Embry and Jared.

"Who're you?" I heard Bella ask timidly.

"He's our protector, the king of the forest" Embry said making me growl at him.
"Shut up before he gets mad at you" Jared said in a warning tone.

I heard footsteps coming from the forest and glanced out one of the windows. Sam approached and quickly made his way inside to EMily giving her a kiss as the boys gave a small explanation on what they are.

"And what is he?" she asked. Sam glanced over but was interrupted by Paul walking into the room mumbling a sorry before digging into some of Emily's homemade muffins.

I heard softer footsteps and walked outside. I spotted Jacob quickly approaching and launched into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck while he wrapped his around my waist lifting me off the ground a little.

"I was worried Paul would get some swipes at you" I mumbled against his neck. He chuckled and said.

"Not a chance Prongs." Jacob said pressing a kiss to the side of my head.

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