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I felt a cool breeze on my face slowly waking me. Flickering my eyes open I looked around realising I was in the middle of a forest. I heard a branch snap and looked toward the sound. Through the darkness the trees provided, all I could see was two red eyes staring through one of the bushes. I jumped up and started running trying to get away from whatever that was. I started clicking out a small harmony as I ran, calling any animals in range to me so I could find help. I kept running but finally felt another presence. A moment later a wolf the size of a bear came barreling out of the brush next to me. It ran next to me guarding me in some way from the red eyes. We ran for another few minutes before I tripped and landed on my hands and knees breathing rapidly trying to catch my breath. The wolf skidded to a stop and walked over to me flopping down in front of me panting. I pushed myself back into a sitting position before looking around. Noticing the red-eyes were nowhere to be found, I turned back to the wolf who was observing me. I looked him over and marveled over his russet colored fur and beautiful brown eyes.

"Thank you for coming to my aid, if you hadn't, I don't know what would've happened to me" I said softly, placing my hand on his head and rubbing behind his ears a little. He let out a rumbling purr and leaned into my hand before flopping his head on my legs. I giggled and gave him a more thorough rubdown. "You are just adorable, do you have a pack around here?" I asked. He tensed and rolled off my lap standing quickly and growling in a direction. I glanced over and spotted a beautiful creature. It had golden antlers and a white/grey body. The front legs of a deer and back legs of an eagle. It had big wings and a flowing tail. It looked exactly like Peryton. But it was real.

"Hey, calm down, he's not a threat" I said gently standing and placing my hand on the wolf's shoulders. It looked back at me with wide eyes and a slightly opened mouth. I glanced back over to Peryton and held out my hand.

"You came to check on me, didn't you?" I asked softly. It nodded stiffly and kept it's eyes on the wolf. "That's very kind of you," I said, taking a step forward. "are you wary of my wolf friend?" I asked. It looked at me then back to the wolf "it's alright, he protected me, there's no need to worry" I said calmly. It looked between us and sighed before sinking into a relaxing posture. The wolf stood down as well glancing between us as if to ask if I knew him.

I looked over the Peryton once more, but this time seeing a flash of green on its neck. I got closer and stared in shock at what I saw. There hanging on the neck was the pendant from the strange hollow tree in the forest.

"It's yours young one" I heard a familiar voice say in my head. "It belonged to your father before you. Why do you think your mother moved here? It is where your father was raised before he met her" The voice said.

I felt something press against my back and saw the wolf looking at me with worried eyes.

"I'm alright" I said softly petting his head. I looked back at Peryton and asked "how do you know so much about me? How do you know about my dad?" I asked trying to get more info. He was about to answer when I felt a rush of wind and something slam into my chest before light flooded my vision and Iwas suddenly back in my room. I gasped awake and looked around in panic. I groaned and flopped back down on my back covering my eyes with my arm. I shook my head and rolled out of bed. I changed quickly into a Ravenclaw jersey and sweatpants and grabbed my phone, keys and the money my mom left me. I pulled on my sneakers and grabbed my guitar. I looked around trying to find Vulpes and called out to him in chirps. A moment later I heard soft rapid thudding from upstairs. Vulpes came running down the stairs and jogged next to me.

"Can you help me find that tree from yesterday?" I asked. He nodded and trotted into the forest. I followed him for about 20 minutes before we came across the very same clearing from yesterday. I looked around before deciding to go inside. I did the same thing I did yesterday and placed my hand on the bark. A moment later a door was visible. I walked inside and went straight to the pendent.

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