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"So, I want to know more about you. Tell me your story" Jacob said looking over at me with soft eyes. He led me to a fallen over trunk of a tree in a small flowering patch of area. We sat side by side on the trunk and I began to speak looking at the ground.

"My story huh? It's not a very pleasant one. When I was little, I felt I had it all, I had an amazing father, a wonderful mother and a beautiful home. Everything changed when my father went missing. My mother became distant, always at work so she could get away from the feeling of abandonment. I was left to my devices which often lead to music, and my odd connection with animals. It wasn't until a few years later I found out why my mom had been so distant. I reminded her of my father. I, just like him, would go out into the woods and play music for the wildlife. She finally realized I was something he left behind too, and made it her mission to make it up to me. We've been close ever since. When I moved here a lot happened. I followed a strange translucent animal into the foliage finding a strange home hidden in a tree. The animal told me of what really happened to my father and why his disappearance was so abrupt. He left here years ago leaving the area accessible to vampires. A witch was pissed off and dragged him back kicking and screaming away from my mom and I. Apparently he is trapped somewhere and can't go home as punishment. But in a way, I'm grateful to that witch even though I fucking hat her. Without her meddling I would probably have never come here, I wouldn't have met Vulpes, I wouldn't have met you" I said softly looking over to him for the first time since I began explaining. He had softened wide eyes that seemed to stare into my soul.

"I hate to say it, but I'm grateful too. Without her I wouldn't have met you, and my heart would have been saved" he said, making me scrunch my eyebrow in question. He sighed seeing the inquisitive look and said.

"It's only fair I tell you my life story then huh?" He asked. I didn't want to force him to say anything so I quickly said.

"If you don't want to say anything I don't mind. It is entirely up to you" I said making him smile over to me. I saw his hand twitch next to mine and smiled softly entwining our fingers. We both blushed heavily and got lost in each other's eyes for a moment. Jacob closed his for a moment before he went on to explain his early life, bringing the story back to his mother and missing sisters before coming into recent events. He spoke of his childhood crush Bella and how she would talk to him then disappear only to come to him again after a few months suddenly asking to build motorcycles with her. I could feel my blood boiling at this girl. He then went on to explain that she would put herself in dangerous situations nonstop to attempt to see her now gone boyfriend. How her supposed ex was a cold one. I listened through everything and restrained myself from growling under my breath about what he told me lastly.

"She freakin blows up my phone, shows up at my house, she bursts into my house scaring my disabled father." I shook my head and said.

"Jacob, she has been trailing you with a leash behind her since you were little. She didn't like the fact her boy toy left her so she decided to make him jealous in her mind and get closer with you. I'm sorry to say this, I know she is a childhood friend, but she is using you to the tenth. She is being selfish and cruel to you and you never picked up on it for some reason. I know it's going to be hard, but maybe it's best to try and cut her from your life indefinitely. I can see the strain she has put on not only you, but your family and pack" I said softly turning and crouching in front of him with my hand that wasn't in his, on his cheek. He sighed, closing his eyes and leaning into my touch. I could feel the magic swirling between us as my necklace glowed a little.

"Would you like to give this a try?" Jacob asked with a pleasing voice. I smiled softly and tilted his head up to make him look at me.

"I would like nothing more," I said with an extremely vulnerable voice. His gaze snapped to mine and he let out a whoop of joy before jumping around me. I let out a giggle as I watched him noticing he looked like a happy golden retriever puppy. When he calmed down he looked over to me again with a heated look in his eyes.

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