Chapter 12

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Here's the next chapter everybody I hope u like it.

I don't think the book will be much longer just like 5 or 6 more chapters.

Vote and comment what u think!

Sorry if it's a Little short


Zannas pov

The next morning me and rose headed over to the pack house to talk to Lexus about the sword I toke from the hunter cat.

Rose was looking the sword over as we walked. I haven't really looked at it closely before and I notice it had a lot of designs in it.

It was mostly black but the red had patterns all over the handle. There was a wolf on it, looking really scary, almost like an alpha. The paterns that were on it almost looked tribal.

We walked up the steps and knocked on the big wooden door.

Mark opened the door and lead us to the library were Lexus was waiting to get a better look at the sword I had taken from the hunters leader.

" alpha" me and rose said at the same time.

" let's see this sword then" Lexus said taking it from me.

She examined the design on the handle that ran down to the tip. She toke it out very slowly, looking at every detail that made up the long shiny blade.

" this is really beautiful" she said in awe.

" I am keeping it" I said as I watched her.

" I've heard of blades like this, I will do some more research" she said putting the blade away and giving it back to me.

" I will call you both when I find out more about this blade" she said waking over to one shelf of about 2000 books.

" ok alpha. See you soon." I said as we walked to the door.

She didn't even answer us as we walked into the hall. I slung the sword onto my back ninja style.

" what do you think this sword is?" rose asked taking my hand as we walked out onto the snow.

" I don't know but I can feel the power radiating from it." I said thinking of how the blade cut my leg yesterday in the fight.

" I can't sense anything from it" she said with a puzzled look on her face.

" that's weird" I thought as I opened the door to our dorm building.

We walked in silence to our room, the entire time I had thoughts about the sword. And the power that seemed to merge with my soul every time I held it.

I was shaken from my thoughts by Rebecca's voice.

" how did the meeting about the sword go?" she asked without turning from the tv.

" we don't know anything about it but it radiates power." I said putting the sword on my bed and taking my outer wear off.

" oh that sucks" she said turning to us whether show went onto commercial.

" ya but Lexus is doing research on it right now" I said grabbing a pop from the fridge.

" can u get me one too babe?" rose asked from her bed.

I grabbed her one too and gave it to her before turning to Rebecca.

" where's Amy by the way?" I asked noticing she wasn't here.

" she's at her moms for a few hours" she said as she switched the channel over to the news.

" oh why?" I asked sitting on roses lap.

" her moms sick, so she wants to visit for a while"

" oh I hope she will get better soon" I said taking a drink of pop.

" ya she will be its just the flu"


After Amy came back me and rose were alone in bed because Amy and becca were taking a shower so we were only talking.

" I've been thinking lately and... I want a baby" she said looking deep into my eyes.

" then let's have one" I said with a smile.

" how?" she asked sadly.

" I'm not sure yet but we will talk about this later, Amy and becca are done there shower." I said kissing her passionately on the lips.

She kissed me back and we forgot about Amy and becca. I got a pillow up the side of my head for that.

Rose fell asleep in my arms. As I looked at her I bought of her wanting a baby. 'how was I supposed to give her a baby?' I thought to my self.

I gave up on thinking and soon fell asleep too.


So what did u think?

What will happen with the sword?

Will Zanna and rose have a baby of there own?

Vote and comment!

Read to find out! :p

Alpha's second mate (lesbian,second book to the only white alpha)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon