Chapter 2

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I think you guys will like this book better than the last. And I won't be killing anyone off this time so don't worrie enjoy. :p


Zannas pov

When we woke up the next day it was cold about -24 out and it's not even winter yet here.

Me and rose showered at the same time and got dressed, Rebecca rushed into the bath room once we got out.

We walked to our first class, mythology. There was only 10 students there most of them were Inuit.

We sat at the back and listened to the teacher talk.

Art was different because Rebecca was there, we had a project to draw an animal we love and what did we draw? Wolves. But we had to draw in pencil, then paint after.

I drew rose and rose drew me, Rebecca drew her self. From her picture she is a light brown wolf with bright green eyes, and a strip of white on her forehead.


We had lunch then headed to our last class of the day Inuktitut, I was excited for this class because I always wanted to learn it.

There was barely any cell service up here but I has enough to text a few people back home. I also sent Anne a message asking how things were going threw the pack link.

me: ' hey how's things holding up?'

Anne: ' everything is good we all miss you guys thow'

Me: ' I miss you guys to, I was just checking in I have to get back to class.'

Anne: ' ok I'll ttul'

I tuned back into listening to the teacher.

By the end of class I knew 7 words and so did rose.

Knowing 7 words your first day is really good especially if it's a language not many know.

We headed back to our room and noticed Rebecca wasn't back yet.

" so what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" rose asked sitting on my lap on the couch.

" I don't know wanna go explore town?" I asked.

" ya that sounds like fun maybe we will see some polar bears" rose said jumping out of my lap.

We asked a couple people around campus if they there was tours in town and we were told about a man who would give us a tour around for only 20 bucks. When we found the man by the town hall he greeted us and we got on the bus.

The mans name was hank. He was short but most inuits are short. We drove along the roads of Churchill, going by stores until we got to the end of the road but hank kept going. We wanted to see bears so he was taking us to see them.

We drove for a little while before hank stopped the bus.

" there's one right there" he said pointing out the front window.

It toke a second before I saw it because it was a white bear in snow but it's black nose made it easier to see.

The bear was standing still just waiting patiently for anything to move. The bus didn't seem to upset him. He was a very beautiful bear. Out of no we're he charged at the bus, hank jumped up and grabbed his rifle and fired a shot over the bears head.

The bear just stood proudly at the door to the bus. Hank put the bus into gear and tore off for town. The bear was tailing behind and eventually turned back.

Alpha's second mate (lesbian,second book to the only white alpha)Where stories live. Discover now