Chapter 14

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We are getting closer to the last chapter!

But what will happen?

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Zannas pov

Our school was canceled again due to the storm being almost on top of us. I looked out the window and saw nothing but white. It was a white out, and that isn't the worst that is to come.

The power kept going off so we couldn't watch tv for more than 10 minuets. After about an our of that the power never came back on again.

We sat in the dark and just talked. About everything that came to our minds. That only lasted for 45 minuets before we got bored again.

"so what now?" rose asked me.

"Lexus has a generated for there house wanna go there for a while?" I asked everyone.

They all agreed so we got our outer wear on and headed out into the white out. Since we are shifters we have a good sense of direction. We found it in no time.

" oh hey guys what's up? " mark said answering the door.

" would we be able to come in for a while the powers off in our dorms and we are bored" I asked him.

" ya sure come in" he said looking at my sword.

We went in and Lexus came and met us.

" what brings you here?" she asked and she sat down in the living room.

" we got bored in our dorms, there's no power" becca said setting Amy down on her lap.

" oh we'll you guys can watch some movies. I'll be back I have business to take care of." she said and left the room.

We all decided to watch ted.


Mysterious pov

We have been walking for 25 minuets trying to find our house, but it's no use we are lost. I looked to my mate Nate he looked worried.

It feels like there is ice under our feet. I can tell we are out on the ice. In polar bear country, I tried to look around but saw nothing but white everywhere.

I sniffed the air but got nothing but ice up my nose.

" what are we going to do?" I asked holding a bundle under my warm parka.

" I'm not sure, but I'll try something" he said as he lifted his head to the sky and let out a long cry for help.

" I'm sure someone herd us" he said pulling me into his arms.

" I hope so" I said looking at the baby sleeping soundly wrapped in a blanket and under my parka.

We herd a noise from near by. I turned and saw a big grey wolf. I sniffed and isn't recognise the scent.

" it's a rogue!" I yelled to Nate.

He was in front of me in a second standing in a fighting pose. Before he could pounce and shift another wolf came from no we're and toke him out.

I was hit hard and everything went black. The last hung I thought about was my baby boy....


We were half way threw the movie when I herd a long howl for help. I was up in an instant.

" what's wrong?" rose asked as everyone turned to me.

" someone needs help" I said running out of the house with them following.

I could smell them before I saw them. Rogues, more than one. Instead of shifting I pulled out my sword and stopped 10 feet before a big grey wolf.

He growled as rose, becca and Amy came up behind me. I felt the power trying t merge with my soul. I saw a woman laying on the ground with her throat bleeding pretty bad.

I knew her she was part of my pack. I was beyond pissed. I let the power seep into my soul. I let out a very angry cry.

In a burst of light and smoke I had changed into my fighter. I let the power take over and before I knew it I had taken down both the rogue wolves.

I sat there and walked up t the woman on the ground. There was something under her parka. I looked and it was a little baby.

" rose!" I yelled.

" what is it?" she asked as she stopped beside me.

I picked up the baby and gave it to her.

"Take it back to Lexus I'll bring the body's back." I said putting my sword away but still in my fighting form.

" I'll help too " becca said icing up the man.

We ran back to the house and I easily caught up with rose. ' for some reason in this form I am a lot stronger and faster then in my wolf form' I thought as I neared the house.

I opened the door and waited for the others to catch up. When they did we called out for Lexus.

" what is it?!" Lexus asks running into the room.

" oh my god what happened?!" she asked me as she ran to the woman I was carrying bridal style.

" I herd a call for help and when we got there they were on the ground and 2 wolves were there. Rogue wolves. I toke them out after i turned not my fighting form." I said laying the woman down.

" she's still alive but he is gone" Lexus says after checking there pulse.

"uh..." said a very quiet voice.

I looked down and the woman she was putting her hand up to me. I bent down and put my ear by her mouth.

" t-take... Care of... Rowan... My baby..." she said as her life slipped away.

" we'll rose looks like you have gotten your wish. We now have a son." I said hugging her while she still had the baby in her hands.

" wait Zanna why do you look like this now?" becca asks walking ver to me and looking me over.

I told her and Amy everything I know about the sword and what I am.


Rose got her wish! A baby!

What will happen next?!

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