"Neverland is a place where imagination runs wild," Gold explained to Emma. "And sadly, yours doesn't." 

As he began to spin his cane to poof himself out, Kyla ran down and grabbed his arm, stopping him. 

"Take me with you," she said in a hushed voice. She could feel everyone watching her, but she didn't care. 

"So you can get in the way?" He asked, his voice in the same tone. 

"You need me," she said. He paused, not knowing what to say. 

"I can't let you get hurt," he whispered, his eyes showing the slightest bit of concern. 

"Are you kidding me?" She said, tightening her grip, "You abandoned me and sent me to Neverland-"

"To protect you!"

"From what?!" She yelled. The ship was silent, listening to their every word. "You still won't tell me," she said, shaking her head. "If you were really concerned about me, you wouldn't let me walk in there without you and with the Charmings as my back up."

Nobody said anything. Gold was concentrating on the ground below him. He was so focused, Kyla thought his eyes were going to pop from his head. Then, she heard his voice in her head. 


Kyla's body went cold. "No," she whispered. 

"And I'm the only one that knows how to defeat him. Kyla, you're just going to have to trust me," his voice was low, but sincere. She could feel that much. "And I'm afraid that once you see him-"

"No," she stated strongly. He shrugged his shoulders. 

"We just have to be smart about this. This is it," he said. 

Kyla released her grip on Gold and he nodded, understanding that she would let him go with no further protest. He spun his cane and was gone in an instant. 

"Are you going to tell us what that was all about?" Regina asked, in her usual impatient tone. 

Kyla shook her head. "All you need to know is that Neverland isn't safe. Unfortunately, we're all  going to have to stay together."

"What? Is Peter Pan going to kill us all?" Emma asked. Kyla could hear her sarcasm, but she still answered honestly. 

"I'm not sure," she said. 

"Oh," Emma said in surprise, then whispered, "not what I was expecting." 

So, after explaining to Emma the truth behind Pan, they rode on the Jolly Roger, coming into contact with a dangerous storm, mermaids and trying to save Emma's life after she jumped into the waters of Neverland in an attempt to stop the storm. 

Because of the storm, the Jolly Roger couldn't sail anymore and they had to forget Hook's original plan. 

Hook's new bright idea: sleep before looking to Henry. He knew better than anyone how difficult sleep could be on Neverland. Emma and Regina of course protested, but in the end, they agreed they could all benefit from a night of sleep. 

Kyla, of course, had different plans. 

As she gathered a bottle of water and a knife to carry, she felt a hand grab her arm. 

"I thought we agreed on sleep," Hook's smooth voice said to her. She shook her head. 

"If I can find him now-"

"Rapunzel," Hook said in a fatherly way. She jerked her arm from him. 

"I can't do nothing," she said through her teeth. He sighed and looked away from her. She could feel the pity he felt for her. "Don't," she answered his emotion. 

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