Chapter 52: A Little Curse

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Finals week is the most stressful week any student has to go through. Many who slack off on their schoolwork have not slept for a week, surviving on energy drinks and coffee. Those who are semi-good at school aren't putting that much effort but there are still dark circles under their eyes to show that they have been staying up to study. Then there are those who are always on top of their grades. They're putting in the same amount of effort that they have been since the beginning. Whether you're one of those three or a mixture, you can still feel the amount of stress and anxiety in the university's atmosphere.

As someone who has lived for 319 years, you would expect to get over test-anxiety, but you're not. You would usually get anxious over your final grades as it was an important factor for your scholarship from GCA, and even if you aren't being financially supported by them anymore, that anxiety hasn't gone away.

This is fine. I shouldn't worry. I know what I'm doing. Taking a deep breath, you walked into your classroom to start the last week of classes.


The week was over. You have finally done it. You finished this year of classes. You're certain that you didn't pass with straight A's like you usually do (since you had an eventful year that took most of your attention), but you're sure that you passed. And that's all that really matters. Now you can enjoy life once more.

You slumped back into your dorm. All of your things were packed in boxes and luggage bags, ready to be sent back to Olympus - well, not quite. Everyone was given a month-in-advice notice to start packing to go home. You were originally going to go back to Olympus, but seeing as you weren't allowed back yet, you have to find a place to crash. You had planned on going to stay at an Inn, but Mal and Ben had invited you to stay with them instead. You respectfully declined.

A part of you wants to agree to Mal's generous offer, but another part of you has had enough with castles and cottages. Thankfully, there's a pirate crew that welcomes you with open arms. Harry and the crew have taken your things over to the Lost Revenge during their free time. Now all that is left is some suitcases and a box of mementos. Sighing, you fell onto your bed. I'll take them over later. I'm tired.

Bzzt. Bzzt.

Why is it that whenever I'm tired, I'm always interrupted by this damn device? You groaned as you pulled out your phone. It was a call from Mal.

"What up?" You sat up.

"Are you still coming to the party at Evie's?" Mal's voice came over from the other line. You could hear a murmur of voices in the background. You were going to respond when a movement in the corner of your eye grabbed your attention. It came from outside. "Hello? (y/n)?"

"Oh. Yeah," You walked over to the window to see what the suspicious movement was about. "I'll be there. I just have to finish a couple of things"

"Great. See you then"

You hung up the call and continued to focus on the outside view. The bushes moved again. A flash of red and black was seen for a split second before vanishing. Without thinking, you immediately jumped out to go follow it.


Harry placed the barrel of root beer down on the table. He's been helping the others set up for Evie's little party since he finished his last final in the morning. He's exhausted. Grunting, he went to sit on the couch, propping his feet up on the coffee table.

"Hey, no feet on my table" Evie kicked his feet down with her shin.

"I'm bored" Harry rolled his eyes and let her pass through. "When is (y/n) getting here?"

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