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The boys eyes burned as he held back his furious tears. He couldn't believe Wilbur had said that. He had embarrassed him, infront of everyone. And no one, not even Tubbo, did anything about it.

"You fucked up, Wilbur." He whispered to himself.

He eventually arrived at his destination, and banged on the door.

"I've made a decision." He stated. "I'd like to join your side."

The man at the door smiled. His white smiley mask was shining in the sunlight, still as creepy as ever.

"Come on in, Tommy. Let's talk about this." Dream said, and lead the boy inside.


"Wilbur...How could you just do that? What is your problem?!" Tubbo said, raising his voice slightly.

"If you disagree with me, you can follow after him right now, Tubbo. You always cling to him anyway. You never leave him alone. He must find you so annoying," Wilbur smiled, enjoying the chain of events he had just caused.

"Wilbur! What the fuck is up with you today?!" Fundy protested. "Whatever it is, Stop this nonsense, now!"

Everyone else nodded.

"I am your president. You will always listen to me. I could revoke all of your citizenships and kick out of this great county just like that," Wilbur clicked his fingers, then continued, "So don't test me. You've all known me long enough to know that i will do it if i have to. So, be silenced. All of you."

Once again, the room was filled with a heavy silence.

"Now. Back to our plan."


"What happened to 'never betraying your great nation'? What about your 'very pogchamp president Wilbur Soot', hm? What happened to all of that?" Dream was leant against a black cobblestone wall.

"Things. Wilbur... he.." Tommy stopped. "It doesn't matter why i'm here. You wanted me to do this, and now i'm doing it. Why should i have to give you a valid reason for that?"

"I have to take precautions to make sure you aren't a spy, Tommy. You know how it is." The blonde man responded.

"Whatever." Tommy rolled his eyes.

After a moment of silence, he continued; "Wilbur said some things. No one did anything, so they all agree obviously. I don't want to side with people who don't believe in me."

"Well, I believe in you Tommy. I believe that you're strong and tough and an amazing fighter. I believe that you can really help our side win. I believe that with your help, we can destroy L'manburg." Dream smiled at him.

Tommy smiled back. It had been a while since someone had said something so nice to him.

"Just one thing. I will only help you if you give me back my music discs. It'll be an important step to trusting you." Tommy stated, firmly.

With no hesitation at all, Dream reached a hand into his pocket and pulled out the boy's beloved discs, and held them out towards him.
"Take them."

Tommy did so.

"Are you sure you want to do this Tommy? It's going to be hard, especially because you have emotional connections within their side." Dream confirmed.

"Yes. I'm sure." Tommy responded.

And with that, he had officially converted.

Within These Walls (A Dream Smp Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang