29 Cold Shoulder

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We went on three more missions. I could't believe it. Most of the time, I was only on look out duty. I had not seen even one of the objects which they came to seize. I couldn't ask, since Dmitri was the keeper of them.

Veronica didn't question me about why I never came to sleep in our room that night, but I knew she knew the reason. I was grateful that she kept her mouth shut.

I was upset over our fight. Why was Dmitri so difficult? Why did he just assume that he would hurt me?

"I can take care of myself..." I muttered, throwing on a sweatshirt and some yoga pants with my black shoes.

"What was that?" Veronica asked me suddenly. I didn't expect her to hear me. "Sorry, vampire hearing," she apologized. I offered her a small smile. "Woah woah. What are you doing?" She said suddenly, walking over to me.

"Uh... getting dressed?" I said.

"For what, a run?" She asked, raising her dark eyebrows at me. I looked at her outfit. She was wearing heels with jeans and a red blouse.

"Uh... did I miss something? Where are we going today? I assumed we needed to dress like all the other days, in black casual clothes?" I said, confused.

She smiled and laughed. "We have different plans for today. We are going shopping. Now, come n, get out of those clothes and look decent at least," She said, winking.

"I'll have you know I look very good in yoga pants, okay," I said, sticking my nose in the air as I reluctantly changed my clothes.

"I'm sure," she said, rolling her eyes. "I'll meet you downstairs when you're ready!" She said, opening the hotel room door. "Oh, and it's just you and me today, hon. Can't wait!"

And with that she shut the door behind her and I was left alone. I don't know how she did it, but somehow she was ALWAYS in such a preppy mood. It bugged me since I never was!

After throwing on jeans, a plum coloured tank top and a black leather jacket, I was out the door.


"Remind me to never get in a car with you again!" I yelled over the blasting wind.

Veronica, in the driver's seat, threw her head back and laughed. She was speeding. And I mean, speeding enough to get us killed. If her car was a vampire it would be running at this speed. The windows were down and our hair was flying everywhere and she was scaring the shit out of me!

I held on tightly to the door handles. It was my mission to get out of this car alive. We were on the highway, headed to the biggest shopping mall in Paris, apparently.

"So I realized," Veronica started to say, and I Knew what was coming, "You and Dmitri.... giving each other cold shoulders." I stayed silent. She continued, "I was actually starting to get used to seeing you guys so nice to each other," she said, laughing a little.

"Nice to each other would be an understatement," I muttered, not wanting to get into it. She heard, of course, but didn't comment.

We stayed silent for the rest of the ride, After parking in the lot and getting out, we made our way into the mall.

It was huge, that was obvious. And most of the shops were very... fancy. I can't believe she brought me here. No way.

"What exactly did we come here for, Veronica?" I asked her. She blushed visibly.

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