30 Traitor

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Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait! A vote for being back? Haha i"m only joking. Anyways, please enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think! Vote and comment for more because that's what motivates me. Love you all, you're all way too great. :) 


"Veronica?" I asked, taking chances.

"Yes?" She said, looking over at me.

"We have been in paris for two weeks, right? Are we almost done?" I asked her.

I didn't mean to be such a bummer, but I wasn't having that much fun. Despite my efforts to help Dmitri, he still ignored me. I didn't mind, really, but I just could not figure out what happened to Chelsea. It was a clean slate. Maybe Dmitri really did mess up? Anyways, I was sick of this place. I wanted to go home.

She smiled and came and sat with me on my bed. She wrapped her arms around me and ruffled my hair. "Tonight is the last day. I think it's going to e fun."

I smiled, thankfully. "Thank the Lord. I'm getting tired of Paris. I never knew I'd ever say that, but it's true."

She got up from my bed and walked to the window of our hotel. She crossed her arms and ran a hand through her long hair. "There is a lot on our plate right now," She said. her voice sounded distant and she seemed to be talking to herself more than she was talking to me. I couldnt see her face so I dont know what she was thinking. A shiver ran down my back.

A knock sounded on our door, and I didnt have time to further contemplate her suspicious behaviour. I quickly went to open it while she went into the bathroom to freshen up.

"Morning," I said to Ash who was waiting at our door.

He smiled, "Morning. Where's Veronica? I've got some stuff to talk to her about..." He said nervously, scratching his head.

I rolled my eyes, amused. "I know you two are together, you don't need to hide it from me anymore," I said, and his eyes widened for a second. He then let out a breath and let out a laugh.

"Sweet," he said.

I opened the door wider to allow him into the room.

"So how've you been?" I asked him.

"Pretty good, enjoying the Paris life," he said, grinning. "You know, I kind of like the way you humans live. Castles can get really restrictive, if you know what I mean." He said this while grinning but his smile soon got wiped off his face. "Oh, don't tell Veronica I said that. She'll slice and dice me!"

I laughed to sound amused, but quickly turned away and dropped it. My lips frowned. Did that mean that Veronica had a problem with humans?

"So, when's the last day here?" I asked, begging for a new topic of discussion.

"Oh, like, two days I suppose?" He said, shrugging.

"That's great!" I said, truly happy to be going home so soon.

"You're happy to go back to the castle?" he asked me, bewildered. He stood up and crossed his arms across his chest and raised an eyebrow.

I tried my best not to notice how built he was. And good looking. Nothing compared to Dmitri however, a tiny voice in the back of my head said to me. Ugh. I had to forget about him!

"Well, I just don't want to be in Paris if I can't be with my real family," I said, killing the happy mood. He frowned. I thanked Veronica in my head for finally getting out of the washroom.

"I'm done!" She said, grinning and walking over to us. Ash quickly snagged her into his left arm, pulled her close and gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

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