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a/n - hey guys! this chapter makes one reference to thevery first chapter of this book. If you want to go back ad read it, please do so! Leave  comment on what you think is going to happen at the end and also vote please if you enjoyed! <3 Happy reading!

"I told you to stay away, didnt I?" Miles asked me, almost glaring.

I'd come to visit him at the stable.

"Well, what do you expect me to do? Veronica is no where to be seen at my castle and Dmitri and I aren't speaking! What else should I do?" I asked, pouting.

Miles smiled. "Dont worry. I'm done my shift. Come on, let's go," He said, cleaning up. He looped his arm in mine and we began to walk around a path away from the castle.

"I heard there's a big party soon - Charlottes going. Do you know what it is?" I asked him after we walked in silence for a bit.

"That's confidential information, Scarlet," He said, looking away awkwardly.

"Is it that bad?" I asked, eyebrows pulled in together.

"It's not my information to sell," he said now looking at me. "Dont worry about it.

"Well. Can I ask you another question then?" I asked.

"You just did," he said smirking. I glared and we both laughed. "Yeah what is it?"

"Did Dmitri mention anything to you about ... Paris?" I asked.

His amused expression dropped. "Yeah," He said. "But I can't go. Austin would never loosen his leash on me."

I wrinkled my nose. "That's a nasty expression," I said, giggling, then saddening. "That sucks, it seems like an amazing opportunity."

He brightened up at the sound of that. "Oh, I've been to Paris. Vampires get around, believe it or not. But its slightly disappointing that I can't go again."

"Ask Austin," I suggested.

On the side walk was a street ought an a bench. We sat down across from each other.

"He's not allowed to know about it Scarlet," Miles said quietly.

"Why not?" I asked, confused.

"I can't tell you that either," he said almost bitterly. "Stop asking questions!" Miles said, throwing his arms up into the air.

"Why are you so upset?" I asked, getting irritated myself. He looked away, and I knew something was bothering him and it had nothing to do with me. "Something's bothering you," I said, worriedly. When he nodded mutely, I got up from my bench and sat next to him oh his. He refused to look at me.

"Come on, what could be bothering you? Don't make me guess, Miles," I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"You're not the only one who's infatuated with a dark-haired pale vampire," He said.

Taken aback, I allowed his words to sink in. He couldn't mean... No that couldn't be! Miles wasn't ... gay... but then again, who knows? He's overall a quiet [erson, so for him, keeping things secret uiis very eaasy - keeping his sexuality a secret wouldn't be too far fetched. I had to ask...

"You like Dmitri?" I asked, almost hesitantly.

He whipped his head around and looked at with me with eyes filled with shock. Then, his eyes lit up with amusement as he began to laugh uncontrolably.

Confused, I waited until he finished having his laughing fit.

"if you're just going to laugh at me -" I started, but he cut me off.

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