10 Secrets

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Author's Note!

Sorry for the long wait!! Let me know if you loved it, or hated It, and tell me what you think her 'plan' is!! Love ya xx

Chapter 10 - Scarlet's pov

The next morning I washed up and prepared myself for a long day. I dressed in a long dress that flowed at my ankles. It had a floral print on it and it was casual but elegant, just like everything I now owned. I went downstairs and was greeted in the breakfast hall.

"Good morning dear," Mrs. Woods, the queen said.

"Good morning, Mrs. Woods," I said smiling.

She was sitting at one of the end chairs at the long table. Im guessing Mr. Woods would sit at the other end of the table.

"Why don't you sit down?" She said, gesturing to the table. I smiled at her and shook my head.

I had to prove I was worthy of their respect, honesty, and care. I never see them at all, they were always somewhere else, so this was my chance to show her who I really was. My last chat with Mr. Woods had been horrible! I could still remember when he'd said that Austin was just using me.

I quickly looked back to Mrs. Woods and told her, "It's alright. I'm going to see if they need any help with food and preparations for breakfast."

I saw a twinkle in her eyes as I told her. "As you wish," She said, nodding at me. I smiled and left to the kitchen.

As I helped wash some dishes, I couldn't help but think about a few things.

I hadn't seen Charlotte Covington at all either. I saw her that one night at the ball... but... never again. It was as if Austin only took me around the castle when NO ONE else was around. And he never told me why he didn't want me to know who she was in the first place. I made a note to myself to remember to ask him today.

Also, what about the king? I was shaky and nervous. He didn't like me. He thought I was being used by Austin. What was it about Austin that I didn't know about?

I made it my mission to find out.

I finished the dishes and walked out of the kitchen. I seated myself next to Austin who was sitting at the table already.

"Good morning," I said smiling. He nodded but averted his gaze from me to something behind me. I frowned at his reaction and turned around. It was Mr. Woods.

He was handsome for an old man. But scary too. He looked intimidating and I quickly averted my gaze from him, but not before I saw his eyes flash a dark red/brown for a millisecond when he had seen me.

I sat down again and kept my gaze down.

He came and sat at the other end of the table. He said good morning to his wife, and to his son, Austin. Other people I had never seen before had also arrived and sat at the table. He refused to look at me so I did something that was probably considered rude to him.

"Good morning, Mr. Woods," I said, and he turned his gaze to me. The table became silent.

I thought he wouldn't answer but he finally said, "And you are?"

How rude! I thought. He can't just pretend to not know me. Controlling my expressions and emotions, I stared him in the eyes and spoke to him.

"Austin didn't tell you? I'm his... lady." I chose my words carefully. "My name's Scarlet," I said matter-of-factly.

His eye twitched and he nodded simply. The whole table was silent and no one spoke.

As the 'maids', I supposed they were, came in with trays of food and drinks for breakfast, I felt Austin talking to me in my head.

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