I Want Your Team!

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In a dark corner of a room was Tomura sitting at his desk, the only light being provided was that of his computer screen watching the sport's festival live.

It didn't matter how much he hated heroes or at least claimed to hate them....he never could seem to stop looking at them. As he watched he kept telling himself that he was only looking for new strong possible recruits. The next time Tomura makes his move he can't be as careless as he was before. No doubt U.A probably secured their system tighter. If they didn't maybe he could have been there in person.

His screen showed Midoryia's mug with the word 'WINNER!' in gold letters. "That guy again..."

The screen started replaying the moments before the win, including the explosion show Y/n put on. Tomura eyes couldn't tear away from her form as she moved. 'She's so......energetic.. '

"How annoying.." He mumbled, his cheeks and chest were giving off an unusually warm feeling as he felt his stomach twist.


The ash blond hero just couldn't seem to stop taking pictures. It really was ashame he couldn't be seated up front. His red wings gave a tiny flap as he clicked the camera button again. His hand covering his excited smile all the while muffling his laughs. There was no way Hawks was going to let her live this down any time soon.

It was just seem so ironic to him that her quirk turned out to be a complete almost opposite of how she is. Then again this could be how she acts in school or how she actually acts aside from their ( 'deliveries' ) meetings.

Hawks looked down at his phone at his newly favorite pictures."A first year huh? Never would have guessed....Though..."

He looked back up to the field where all the other students were now gathering. "She seems awfully close to that Midoryia kid...."


Y/n's father sat on the living room couch, an intense glare on his T.V as Steven cheers are heard to the background along with the puppy's howls, most likely not knowing what was actually going on and just matching the child's excitement.

Maire was lazed on the other side of the couch eating the popcorn she made. Her legs draping over the armrest. "You okay uncle?"

"I should be questioning where she got those powers.....why she didn't tell us but....." F/n covered his eyes with his hand with a smile, happy tears in the corners of his eyes. His sour mood now gone in an instant. "My kid just won 4th place in the race!!! I'm just so damn proooud!" He exclaimed.

Marie scoffed wholeheartedly, shaking her head as she gave the T.V her focus back. "Your such a dotting father Uncle F/n."


In the private stands, All Might was relieved that Midoryia managed to pin first place. The pride of a teacher was quite overwhelming. It was almost as similar as father's pride to son.

"This is Interesting." A student with red swirls on his cheeks smirked looking at the finish line.

"I think it's obvious that Midoryia's stock is about to go up." Another student with glasses commented.

"Not so fast." Yet another kid butted in, his hair was swirled upwards. "He's still an 'unknown' since we have no idea what his quirk is. Imagine for a sec that an agency was to take him on. How will they marked someone so plain looking who doesn't show off his quirk?"

"They definitely would have their work cut out."

"Well he doesn't have much going for him appearance wise so you'd have to put forth his skills in the unexpected artistic ways that he performs under pressure."

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