❌ Spice

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Summary: Tim has an upcoming heat and is planning to get himself through it on his own. Things do not go according to plan. [5,039 words]

CW: a/b/o


The complete version of this fic is only available on Archive Of Our Own (for more info on why, please see the Table Of Contents). A link to the fic is provided at the bottom of the chapter, under External Link. If you are not on desktop, please see the link to my AO3 in my bio, or the JayTim Oneshots masterpost on my profile (under the 'Conversations' tab. Scroll to 29 March, 2023) for the direct links to the fics.


A short preview:

Tim didn't know what possessed him to approach when he spotted Jason smoking on the edge of a rooftop, except that he was bone tired and it was a slow night and he was looking for somewhere to drink his coffee anyway.

He plopped himself right down next to Jason and pushed his cowl off and took a sip of his coffee. Jason took a drag of his cigarette and ignored him.

The smell of cigarette smoke was thick around him, but it did nothing to mask the intense scent of Alpha wafting off him like a challenge without his helmet on. It was bright and sharp and spicy and in your face, just like Jason, but it was also...homey. He smelled like sandalwood and ginger and old, leather-bound books, and it almost made Tim want to lean closer because he'd never smelled it so clearly before, not this strong, and it smelled so damn good, and— oh. Right. That was his fucking oncoming heat trying to lure him closer to any Alpha it could, wasn't it. 

Tim leaned away slightly. Mama didn't raise no fool — not that his mother actually raised him, but...whatever. Mommy issues for a different time.

"So, what are you doing out of the East End?"

Jason shrugged.

Tim didn't push him, just continued drinking his coffee in silence while Jason smoked.

Jason finally stubbed out his cigarette butt. "What are you doing out here, Tim?" He asked softly. "The pheromones coming off of you are fucking insane; you can't be more than a day or two away from your heat."

"I've got a handle on it," Tim said annoyedly. And then, softer. "Patrol is the one thing I actually have control over, and it's the only way to get all my aggression out. All the scent blockers in the world aren't working this close without the cowl or something, and in civilian life...you know how it is. An unclaimed Omega nearing heat, and every fucking available Alpha in the area takes it as a personal challenge."

Jason was quiet for a moment, and then he leaned over and nuzzled against Tim's throat, rubbing his cheek over his scent glands and scenting him. Tim went very still, but Jason was already pulling back. "There. Now they won't bother you. Go home."

Before Tim could even manage to get out a reply, Jason was getting to his feet, putting his helmet back on, and grappling away.

Okay. Okay, okay, okay. This was fine.

Tim was totally not freaking out.


Jason was weak for letting Tim think he was just being nice. The truth was, as soon as Tim had taken that damned cowl off and that mouth watering vanilla-coffee-hazelnut-honey scent had washed over him, he'd been almost overwhelmed with the desire to bury his nose in that neck, to scent, lick, taste, mark, claim. He'd managed to restrain himself — just barely — but then, but then, the opportunity had just presented itself, and god, he couldn't resist leaning in and breathing the scent straight from his skin, and mixing their scents. And oh did they mix together beautifully, complementing each other like they were made to mix.

And then Jason had had to make his escape before he lost control and did something stupid like piss Tim off by begging to help him through his heat like apparently every other damn Alpha around.


The thing was, it worked. It worked a little too well [...]

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