❌ Listening Ears

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Summary: Tim gets tired of constantly having to remove all the bugs Batman and Oracle plant in his apartment, so he cooks up a scheme to make them regret ever listening in. But he'll need some help, of course. [16,089 words]


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A short preview:

Tim ground his teeth as he found a fifth bug in as many days hidden in his apartment. It didn't matter how frequently he swept the place and deactivated both Oracle and Batman's various cameras and listening devices, there were always more showing up. And Tim, Tim was fucking sick of it

He couldn't let this shit keep up, he had to get it to stop somehow. But how? It's not like either of them would take the hint — clearly — and asking them to stop wouldn't do jack shit. 

No...he was going to have to make it so incredibly not worth it that they'd stop on their own. He was going to have to make them regret the day they'd ever thought it was a good idea to listen in on what went on in Tim's home.

The newest bug was one of Bruce's and it transmitted audio only. It was in his bedroom and was more cleverly hidden than usual, so Tim left it. It would be believable enough to Bruce that he'd missed it. 

Now he would just have to wait for Barbara to get another one placed in his bedroom, but Tim thought he could get the party started with torturing Bruce before then.

To be sure, this was going to be embarrassing for Tim, and was going to permanently alter his image in their eyes, but...yeah Tim thought he could deal with that to make them suffer. Suffer and leave him the fuck alone.


JayTim OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now