💚 Unexpected Places

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Summary: Tim has enlisted Jason's help with an apparently very urgent new case: he's decided he needed to stop being single, like, yesterday, and is prepared to date his way through the entire superhero-vigilante community if that's what it takes. And, while Jason was really (really) not pleased to be helping at first, the two of them start to get along swimmingly, and start to make real progress on Tim's so far uncrackable case. So everything should be going great. Right?

Unfortunately, Jason may be falling just a little bit in love, and is definitely not in the list of possible candidates.

Yeah, his acting skills are gonna be getting a little bit of a workout for the foreseeable future, aren't they? Awesome. Maybe dying a second time wouldn't be that bad, really. [7,386 words]


Jason woke to the shrill ringing of his phone and groaned. Oh sweet mother of god he had not slept enough to be being put through this torture.

What fucking asshole was calling him at the asscrack of dawn?! This shit better be important.

He caught sight of his alarm clock as he rolled over, reaching for the continuously obnoxiously shrilly ringing phone, and suddenly felt disturbingly ready to murder whoever was on the other side of that fucking thing if they didn't have a real good goddamned excuse. Just past eleven?! Disgusting! Inhumane. Nobody should have to fucking be awake at this hour! And Jason had been up late working on a case, so he'd only gotten like three fucking hours of sleep, and— 

Tim. The screen said Tim. Of course it was that little twerp; maybe Jason should have finished the job the several times he'd tried before and not had to deal with this shit down the line. Evil. Evil, evil, evil.

He swiped to answer more harshly than necessary. "You better have a good fucking reason for waking me up, or I will skin you, and turn you into a pair of boots."

"You know how to make boots?" Tim asked, sounding rather impressed, instead of concerned about being skinned.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Jason demanded, just short of screaming.

"I need your help on a case."

Jason clenched his jaw so hard it creaked. "Business hours. Aren't. Open. Yet." He gritted out after a few moments, once he got himself somewhat under control, and pulled the phone away to hang up.

"WAITWAITWAIT DON'T HANG UP YET," Tim pleaded just before Jason could do so. "It's a personal case; I can't waste vigilante hours on this!"

Jason let out a slow breath. Why was he even slightly considering entertaining this? "Call me back when I've had more than three hours of sleep," he snapped.

"So is that a yes, you'll help me?"

"Call me back when I've had more than three hours of sleep!

Jason hung up on him and dropped his phone to the mattress, rolling over and burying his face in his pillow. He hated — hated — this fucking family.


There was a knock on Jason's door around dinnertime, and he glared at the door accusingly as he shoved another bite of sweet potato into his mouth.

They knocked again. Harder.

Jason swallowed, and ever-so-reluctantly abandoned his food to get up and get the door. And then immediately set his glare on Tim, because of course it was that persistent little weasel again. He supposed Tim still wanted Jason to help him, did he? Well he had the most shitass ways of asking for it.

JayTim OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora