💚 I Don't Wanna Be Your Friend I Wanna Kiss Your Lips

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Summary: Jason and Tim have struck up an unlikely friendship despite their past. This would be fantastic if Jason didn't want to be more so badly. [1,712 words]

Note: Inspired by Girl in Red's 'I Wanna Be Your Girlfriend'.


Jason laid on his back, watching Tim as he leaned back against the couch, idly zipping and unzipping one of the pockets on his pants and talking vaguely about color. More specifically, the idea that there is no inherent color in an object and color is transient since it doesn't actually have color at all in the complete absence of light and the very thing that makes it that color is it reflecting certain light so it is therefore colorless in the dark, versus the idea that the color is still inherent to the object and unchangeable and even in the dark it is still that color even if it's not currently reflecting the light for us to perceive it as that colour, because it holds an inherent property within it that makes it consistently reflect certain wavelengths of light, so it is therefore always that color even if it is imperceptible because it always holds that property that makes it a certain color in visible conditions. Which was…brilliantly pointless and engaging.

Jason fucking loved this, he loved their evenings or early mornings sprawled on the floor together talking about everything and nothing, he loved getting to spend time with Tim. Their friendship may have seemed like an unlikely one, considering their beginnings, but it worked, god, it worked so well, and Jason found himself able to be a level of comfortable around Tim that he really only could be otherwise around Roy and Kory. It was…it was nice.

He didn't even exactly know how it had happened, it had just felt so natural the way they'd drawn together and fallen into it. Conferring on cases, turned to asking to confer when it really wasn't necessary, turned to continuing to talk after, eventually turned to hanging out with increasing regularity with no pretence of cases anywhere in sight half the time. And it all just felt so easy and right, and honestly the days he hung out with Tim tended to be the highlight of Jason's week.

"Okay, but then how does that compare to other things that only appear a certain way under certain conditions?" Jason prompted when Tim trailed off. "It depends on the thing kind of, right, whether we call it as having that trait full stop or not, so where is the line?"

Tim's face lit up and he started babbling away, dumping a metric shitton of information all at once like he always tended to do when he got to talking about something he was really into. 

Jason fucking adored the way his face lit up like that, how happy it made him, how beautiful he looked like that. It was endlessly endearing the way he got so excited, the way it made him trip over words and leap around topics trying to explain everything at once, the way he talked with his hands and sometimes just made excited little flaps and flutters of his hands when he got particularly into what he was saying.

Jason was fucking enraptured. He thought he could stare at Tim for hours, just sit there and take in every little part of him. 

His eyes were drawn up to Tim's intense eyes, focused slightly to Jason's left, bright with a spark of passion, and occasionally flickering as he sorted through the information catalogued away in his mind. They were alive with interest, looking like a light, clear sky seconds before lightning struck. Jason was in love with them. Jason was in love with Tim.

His gaze wandered up to the stray locks of hair that had escaped Tim's ponytail, which were fluttering around his face with the force of his gestures, and then finally down to his mouth. Running a mile a minute, lips slightly chapped, cracked at one corner, and absolutely perfect. Jason wasn't even thinking about what it would be like to kiss him — although it would be a lie to say he never had before — he was just...admiring.

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