❌ How To Hurt A Loved One

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Summary: Tim and Kon are that couple — they've been together for ages and everybody who knows them knows they're TimandKon, a package deal. Tim has a horrible secret though: he's fallen out of love.

He tried everything he could think of to make himself fall back in love with his best friend, but none of it worked. And just when he decided to stick it out anyway — because really, he loves Kon and he couldn't ask for a better partner — something awful happens. Tim does start to fall in love. With someone else. [7,068 words]

CW: cheating


The complete version of this fic is only available on Archive Of Our Own (for more info on why, please see the Table Of Contents). A link to the fic is provided at the bottom of the chapter, under External Link. If you are not on desktop, please see the link to my AO3 in my bio, or the JayTim Oneshots masterpost on my profile (under the 'Conversations' tab. Scroll to 29 March, 2023) for the direct links to the fics.


A short preview:

Tim smiled at Kon as Kon suggested they go out to dinner over the weekend for a romantic evening. "I'd love that," Tim said.

He was determined — he was going to be a good fucking boyfriend to Kon and love him as best he could, because it was what Kon deserved and Tim couldn't think of a better partner to spend his life with, even if he couldn't figure out how to fall back in love with him.

Who knew? Maybe, if Tim just kept at it long enough, the feelings would return. Maybe he'd be able to look at him over the breakfast table and feel his heart go soft and just think God, I'm so in love with you again. Maybe he'd find himself actually wanting to make out with Kon, to fuck him. Right now it just felt like another task, but he was doing his best not to let on that he wasn't so into it anymore. 

He didn't know when those feelings had started to disappear, it was too gradual for him to notice until one day he'd just realized that where those feelings should've been was all empty and it was far too late.

That didn't mean he hadn't tried. Tim had very much tried, flipping back through every good memory, reminding himself of every little reason he'd ever thought he'd loved Kon, trying to go on more dates with him and talking late into the night, but still all he felt was his regular love for his best friend, not romantic love, not attraction.

So Tim had done a lot of reflection and come to the aforementioned conclusion that he should continue trying in the relationship anyway.

"I haven't gotten to see you dressed up in a while," Kon said. "I'm looking forward to it."

Tim's smile softened. "I'm eager to see you cleaned up too, handsome." 

Kon gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

Tim could do this. He could.


Tim sat down on the edge of his now-regular rooftop downtown and dangled his legs over the edge. Jason traded him a burger for a coffee, as had become their habit when they met to exchange information.

Jason gave him a crooked smile. "Thanks, babybird."

Tim felt his heart speed a little — probably the coffee kicking in. "No problem. So what have the ladies heard this week?"

JayTim OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now