❌ Wrong

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Summary: Jay knew he was fucked up, alright? He knew. He was aware that his very biology was supposed to draw him to Omegas, or hell, even a nice Beta, but ever since the first time he smelled Tim — undeniably Alpha Tim — he's been all he could think about. [6,134 words]

CW: a/b/o


The complete version of this fic is only available on Archive Of Our Own (for more info on why, please see the Table Of Contents). A link to the fic is provided at the bottom of the chapter, under External Link. If you are not on desktop, please see the link to my AO3 in my bio, or the JayTim Oneshots masterpost on my profile (under the 'Conversations' tab. Scroll to 29 March, 2023) for the direct links to the fics.


A short preview:

Jason knew he was fucked up, alright? He knew. He was aware that his very biology was supposed to draw him to Omegas, or hell, even a nice Beta, but ever since the first time he smelled Tim — undeniably Alpha Tim — he's been all he could think about.

Even right up against him, he hadn't been able to smell anything with all the scent blockers on him until he'd cut the side of his throat. With his blood came the sharp, spicy scent of Alpha that had taken Jason by surprise — cardamom, cinnamon, and wood smoke curling up toward his nostrils and making him loosen his grip on his knife. If Jason had had to place a bet, he'd have put the kid down for a Beta — if he'd presented at all yet, he was only, what, sixteen? Not unheard of, but certainly early.

At first he'd thought the surge of...feeling in himself had been more aggression. After all, what else could it be? Already upset and then challenged by another Alpha's scent? But after a few moments, he realised it wasn't aggression at all. It was arousal.

He'd left quickly after that.

But that wasn't the end of it — oh no, that would've been too easy. No, somehow that little interaction had triggered his rut early. Like two months early.

He had ridden it out with a Beta he met at a bar and didn't bother to learn the name of, since all the Omegas smelled so strongly wrong that a comparatively lightly floral-scented Beta was the only thing tolerable. What he'd really wanted wasn't an option. An Alpha seeking another Alpha? It just wasn't done, it was unheard of, against their nature. And yet, he craved.

And oh how he craved. It had been several years now since that first time and Jason had done his best to avoid Tim as much as possible to keep himself away from temptation, but time hadn't faded his wants, not at all. They still simmered in the back of his mind, tugging at him, especially in weaker moments.

In that time, though, Jason had discovered that it wasn't quite just Tim. Most Alphas smelled appealing to him (something he'd never really paid attention to before, but now couldn't not notice), but he had yet to find another one that made him really want the way Tim did.

He had made a few attempts to hook up with another Alpha anyway, just to see, but all his attempts at flirting were interpreted as a challenge and it was pretty clear none of them were like him. Sometimes Jason wondered if he was the only one, a freak even among freaks, that maybe the Lazarus Pit couldn't fix everything and maybe his brain damage from being dead had flipped some sort of switch in him that made him all backwards.

Maybe it was to keep him alone, maybe someone as fucked up as him shouldn't burden somebody else with all his issues. Maybe the universe knew it wouldn't be fair to saddle anyone with Jason, so it made sure he would stay alone forever.

JayTim OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang