17- Alone

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Chapter 17

Annaliese wants more than anything to run to Zorander's tower and jump through the mirror to his waiting arms.

The numbness she felt earlier in the day is becoming a frenzy of sadness and fear. And, yes, even anger. Anger at Daniel but that seems unfair and misplaced. This was not something he had done to her. At least, not knowingly. Anger at her father? That doesn't seem right either. He has no idea the situation she faces. And besides, he is simply doing his job as King, looking after the Kingdom first. Her Mother? Yes, a little. After Annaliese confessed her secret love, back in the gardens of Bulovia, Aramina has made no attempt to speak with her on the subject. With this development, it seems to Annaliese this would have been a good time to... Mother a little.

She reserves a measure of anger for herself. For her cowardice or stupidity or whatever other harsh labels she can name for not being able to find her way through this to the conclusion she desires.

In her chambers that evening, she paces the floor like a caged animal, mind racing.

Perhaps she could just refuse all suitors? When she is queen, no one will be able to tell her who to marry. If she can just refuse long enough, Zorander will be right here with her...

It doesn't sound to be a likely scenario. She is relatively certain her father will not hand her the crown before his own death, and especially if she has no heirs. How long does she imagine she could keep this affair a secret?

If she were another Princess, another person, she could simply enter a marriage of convenience with an ambitious Prince that would happily take her crown but stay away from her bed. But she isn't that Princess or that person. She wants Zorander and only Zorander. Which seems to leave her at an impasse.


"Good evening." She has the scroll ready as he walks in and she sees his immediate broad grin.

"Good evening, my Princess. I made some snow crystals today. I thought for Christmas we could enjoy some snow together. You know, through a mirror." She sees him laugh lightly at the absurdity but she can't hear it.

She smiles back but knows he can see the worry on her face. "What is it, Annaliese?"

She sighs and begins to speak. No reason to drag it out. "Daniel is engaged to Princess Evangeline."

He blinks a little, waiting for her to continue, obviously not sure why she is upset. 

"Evangeline will be the reigning queen of Corinthia." The recognition hits his face at the name of the kingdom and he mouths a silent "oh".

Annaliese continues, "Daniel will leave Dulcinea to be King.... It's all up to me now, my Dad says." She looks afraid. He assumes she is afraid of the responsibility. She's only afraid what Zorander's reaction will be. 

"Annaliese, I think you would be an amazing queen. I've never known anyone more kind or giving. The people will love you. Surely you must know that? False modesty doesn't become you." 

Instead, she grows quickly frustrated. "I don't really care one way or the other if I'm queen..." She doesn't know how to say the rest. She tries a simple, vague, "I just want you."

Finally realization hits. Zorander continues with a question she doesn't expect. "Has your father found your future King then?"

"No, no, not that. Not yet at least. But what will he say now? I thought maybe, since I was only a Princess..."

She doesn't finish the thought but says the words that write the spell, an incomplete thought crosses her scroll. He'll know what she means.

Looking at each other's eyes across the mirror, the sorrow takes them both and they stand against their respective sides, hands touching over the miles.

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