Chapter 23: Love Dis-ease

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WHooumAMP! goes the refrigerator. I scour the shelves of the gargantuan fridge, looking for a banana milk to satisfy my man's endless thirst for the sweet milk drink. Hm. There's only one bottle left. I have to ask Sockgin to buy some from Costco. Just as I'm reaching for the bottle, I feel a pair of strong hands grip my waist and spin me around. I look up to see the mochi cheeks of Jimin as he presses me against the cold metal fridge.

"Hey, baby girl," he whispers sexily into my ear. "Haven't seen you around in a while."

"I'm social distancing," I respond. "We should be six feet apart, by the way."

Jimin frowns a little bit. "It's okay with people in the household though."

"But what if you have the coronavirus? We don't know that." I rationalize. "As much as I'd like to hang out with you, it's too dangerous during these times."

"The only disease that I have is the disease of LOVE," swoons Jimin.

"And I have the disease of dyslexia," I deadpan. I'm not up for his BS right now! I just want to bring banana milk to my future husband >:(.

"Aw, beebee, don't be like that." He makes a puppy dog face, and I almost fall for it. "If the caranovirus doesn't take you out, I can."

I blink twice. That was pretty good, but I can't be distracted from my ultimate mission!!

"Even during the carano pandemic, the most contagious thing is still your smile," Jimin sighs dreamily.

"Where did you even learn these?" I ask.

"I Googled them, just for you, my sweetheart," he says seductively. I inch away slowly from him, heading towards the staircase. I still needed to fulfill my mission by delivering Jungkdodk his ultimate gaming drink! But before I can disappear, he grabs a hold of my wrist and leans down to place a kiss on the back of my knuckles.

"The government says we need to stay 6 feet away but I want to give you 6 inches," Jimin says with a wink, but his wink fails. He looks like he's trying to blink a piece of dust out of his eye.

"I've got, as some say, a pretty generous stimulus package if you know what I mean." He tries to raise his eyebrows but his facial expressions are uncoordinated. Still, my heart flutters as I feel butterflies at the pit of my stomach.

"I'm sure you do, Jimin, but..." I look down at the banana milk in my hand, and I can tell that it is already getting warm. Jungkodjk hates it when his banana milk is room temperature! "I'm kind of in a hurry right now...I have a Calculus lecture on integrity to attend."

"Integrity???" Jimin mumbles, but lets go of my hand. "Hm... Interesting topic. Have fun then, Y/N. And remember, if you ever want to buy some Gucci, just let me know. My credit card information is taped on the fridge."

The word Gucci makes me nostalgic, as I remember the pair of Gucci slippers that my dad bought me before he died when I was three years old. I scurry up the stairs to give Jungfpdmdkdkdk his beloved milk of banana.

Boys With Love [COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz