Chapter 6: Mouth-To-Mouth

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"...there has been a car accident."

I fall silent for a few seconds from shock.

When I snap out of it, I couldn't help myself screaming, "JINJAJAJA??" into the receiver. I thought Cookie was a good driver! I can't believe he would get into an accident like this ;"(

I immediately drop my cell phone on the ground, the iPhone SE crackling as it his the wood floors of my room, but i could care less. I grab for the Supreme hoodie I wear everyday, courtesy of Hobi, and toss it over my My Chemical Romance shirt. Then, I sprint down the stairs two at a time, to get to the garage. I realize that my outfit was not appropriate, because the Supreme hoodie was WHITE. I run back upstairs to grab the black version of the hoodie, because that would be much better if there's a funeral immediately afterwards.

I shouldn't think like that, but I can't help it, I'm edgy and think about death a lot *pained duck face*.

When I get to the garage and look at the vast space of cars, I realize: I can't drive! I'm sure I could learn, of course, but do I want to take the risk after oppar just got hurt so badly? What if I die too?!

Well, it means we could have a joint funeral...

I jolt back into reality, which included the fact that Uber is an app that exists on my phone. I order a car and sit outside the giant housing complex, waiting impatiently.

In less than two minutes, thanks to the amazing Uber driver that is named Wonho (who got fired from Starship for having a threesome with Onew and Hwall), I get to the hospital, and I sprint into the lobby, nearly running into the glass revolving doors in my hurry.

"WHERE'S MY JUNGCKOKCY OPPAR??" I scream at the guy at the counter.

"Please calm down, miss, I will take a look. What's his name?"

I slap my hands onto the counter like an angry ape gorilla. "NO I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS. WHERE IS HE???"

"Settle down, please! If you give me his name, I can let you know as soon as I find it."

I huff loudly. "His name is Jungckck oppar."

The lobbyist types into his computer quickly, but shakes his head. "I cant find a Jungckck oppar in the system. Is that a nickname by any chance?"

"Why would you question that? I know-"

I stop talking as I see Jungkoook walk in through the revolving doors. I sprint towards him and catapult myself into his arms. He wraps his arms around me and falls to the floor, taking me down with him.

"Y/N..." he groans.

My sweet Junvokcies oppar! I shake him to see if he is conscious.

"OPPAT! Are you alright???"


I realized that the accident must've seriously injured him if he fainted to the floor. I think quickly. Then I decide to put what I learned in PE in 7th grade into good use. I place both my hands between his titties and push.

"OW!" he cries.

"I'm sorry oppar! But it is what I must do to save you!" I keep giving him CPR until i remember the second part of my 7th grade training. I position my face over his and press my mouth to him, parting my breath into his lungs.

A fire burns through me and my cheeks redden, so I pull away after giving him the brief mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. He gazes at me with his starry eyes and opens his mouth to whisper to me.

"I'm perfectly alright Y/N, I just ran a redlight and tailgated another car. I only have a bruise from my wrist from bumping into the steering wheel."

I look at him in wonder and help him off of the ground. His bulging muscles act as a sandbag and weigh him down so it takes me and the assistance of a hospital worker to pry him off of the ground. I look at him awkwardly and realize how extra my CPR must've looked. I will never follow the instructions of PE teacher Mr. Kendall ever again. I turn around to leave the hospital, but Jungkocok grabs my wrist.

"Y/N, the CPR was kind of extra. But I just wanted to let you know something." His voice chokes up and i look at him curiously.

"That was my first kiss."

I gasp in shock. Did i just take Juncock oppar's mouth virginity???

"I-I..." I stutter. Junkock chuckles in his angelic voice and blushes slightly.

"It-it was very nice, Y/N, I thoroughly enjoyed it." He gulps.

"Let's go back home Y/N."

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