Chapter 22: Throw It Back!

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On my way out, I hear bass-boosted music blasted coming from one of the rooms. Its vibrations automatically attract me towards it, so I glance into the room. Inside, Hobi is sadly moping around while he dances, like a depressed jellyfish.

"Wow, that was so emotional!" I exclaim, wiping away a tear.

"Did you like it? It was my interpretive dance conveying my despair about the carano virus!"

"Oh no, Hobi, don't be sad! I thot you were the sunshine king.'' I frown. "Will it make you happier if I dance with you?"

He gives me a warm smile. "Y/N, you are my greatest disciple. You are always welcome to dance with me. In more ways than one." He flashes me a saucy wink and my heart skips a beat.

"Okay, can you play some music then? I say timidly. I take off my jean vest in the meantime, the little button clinking together as it falls to the floor. Now, I'm only in my pants and a shirt. I feel a little revealed, but that's okay. Hobi's eyes bulge out of his skull like a fly.

The familiar tune of Don't Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John fills the room, except 100x bass boosted, enough that I feel it in my heart. I step into the center of the floor and bend my body forward. Then, I do what I learned from all those TikTok dances. I throw it back.

"OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY????" Hobi screams.

All of a sudden, doubt fills my mind. I open my mouth to ask him a query.

"Hobi, if I back it up, is it fat enough?"

He looks confused for a second. I decide to elaborate

"If I throw it back, is it fast enough?" My eyes well up with tears, not wanting to disappoint him. His orbs widen.

"Y/N, no! I love it when you throw it back!"

My head perks up. Wow, I can't believe he complimented me on my ability to throw it back!

"Well," I whisper, "if I speed it up, can you handle that?" I start to throw it back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back back.

He spits out the water he was drinking. "HAJIMA!"

I make the uwu face at him. "What's wrong?"

"I'm gonna teach you how to properly throw it back, okay, Y/N?" He takes my shoulders and sits me down on the chair in the middle of the room. He then changes the music to "Earned It" by The Weeknd. The sexy music fills the air. I gulp.

My face turns red, and I can feel a shiver of sexy-feeling all through my bones.

"Hobi Oppar, you are so good at throwing it back, " I compliment. All of a sudden, I remember Jungkookie oppar, the only man who has my whole heart. What would he say if he saw Hobi throwing his booty back all over my body in a lap dance? I feel like I just committed adultery, even though me and Kookie oppar aren't official ;"(

"Yea, I've been told I'm pretty good at it lol." His ass so fat, it could crush Nicki Minaj.

I wince uncomfortably when he tries to sit on me. I have to get out of this situation pronto.

"Hobi, I'm not sure if it's the time for me to say this but..." I struggle to think of something to get his booty away from me. "Uh. I'm a Homosexual."

"Uhm." Hobi stops twerking but his butt remains in front of me. "Oh."

I tumble off the chair in a heap, collapsing to the floor. I stand up and brush my pants down. "Thanks for the lesson though, I appreciate it."

I sprint out of the dance studio. Then I realized my big mistake.

Did I say Homosexual? I didn't mean it! I meant to say homiesexual! I love my homies. I was never good at English.

Hopefully, I can find Jungkook next. I miss him so very much. 

Boys With Love [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora